Friday 3 November 2023

14.5k Run and Ramen Again (Oct.29, 2023)

 Jason got up early and went out and did his run.
I had a 9 mile run (14.5k) on the training schedule for today and I planned on doing it outside.

I was looking for parks in the Sherwood Park area where we were staying but it was pretty frosty and icy out there so when Jason said the Millenium Place had an indoor track I decided I would go there instead.

Jason took Freya swimming in the pool there - she was so looking forward to it - she loves the waves and everything.

The track went around the indoor soccer fields.
Four times around was just shy of 1k.
It kind of had a bit of an incline and one point - just went up then right back down.

There was a whole bank of treadmills across the center there as well that you could use.
Thinking about how many times I had to run around the track was kind of daunting but I just put on my music and got started.

I counted songs thinking that about 2 songs would be 1 km and avoided looking at my fitbit right up until around the 3k mark when I had to stop briefly to get a drink of water out of the fountain.
Then I kept right on going.
I had a protein bar with me that I had a bite of every 10 songs or so and that really helped to keep me going.

I figured it would take me around 2 hours and I was 3 minutes shy of it.

I was so happy to be done.
I was going to join Jason and Freya in the pool but she had had enough and was ready to go eat so no pool for me again.

We let her pick where to eat and of course she picked ramen again.
So we went to Hu's Noodle Nook this time.

It was super busy in there so we had to wait a bit for our meal.
I actually didn't have anything - I didn't really want ramen again so I figured I'd stop and get a burger somewhere else afterwards.
Freya played games on my phone and I snuggled her (when she let me).

Which wasn't much.

Jason ordered some chicken for an appetizer - I did have a piece of it.

He got the spicy tan tan soup this time and it was actually really good.

Freya got tonkotsu again with an extra egg.

She's a noodle fiend and an egg fiend too.
Not only did she eat her own and the extra I ordered for her but she wanted Jason's too.

Her slurping game is stong.

She thought she was pretty impressive - so did I.

I stopped at Woodshed Burgers on the way home and got a Ben Burger.
We stopped and got a few things at Walmart then we headed home.

Kody called to say that he and Haylee were in Barrhead at Rita's and could we stop there on the way home.
Apparently Haylee thought the baby's color didn't look good yesterday so they took her to the hospital in Barrhead and she had jaundice so they'd been staying in Barrhead with her ever since and had her in a Billie Blanket with the ultra-violet light.

So we stopped in there and had a bit of a visit with them before carrying on to Swan Hills and we took Freya with us.
Jason is off tomorrow so he is going to take her to school in the am.

Haylee posted this on Instagram today - the girls do look exactly alike.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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