Thursday, 28 May 2020

When Mother Nature Can't Make Up Her Mind (May 27, 2020)

Today's Daily Reason Why on WW Connect!

We really like to do a lot of walking and exploring when we visit a new place and I want to continue to be able to do that for years to come.

NCT was in Walmart and saw this swing.
She knew mom was looking for one so she sent me a picture.
If mom likes it, I think we will pick one up for her on Friday when we go to the city.

I want to go in and see if we can find a motorized ride on for Baby F.
I took Friday off so we could go do it in hopes that it might be less busy on a week day then on the weekend.
I'm still concerned about Covid-19 so I still want to keep social distancing as much as possible.

Got in 40 minutes on the treadmill today.
I hopped on twice for around 20 minutes each time again.
Jogged at a 3.2.

OH my hair!
I've gotten into the habit of having baths since I've been working from home and skipping washing my hair which gets so knotty after a couple days that I want to avoid it even further.
I never wash my hair every day anyway, it used to be every couple days but now it's more like once a week.

Mom had a prescription that needed picked up so My Honey and I walked down there to get it.
The sky was looking very foreboding on the way down, it suddenly got really windy, it was raining, it even hailed a bit at one point.
We were already half way there though so we just continued on.
Looks like my walk with NCT will be cancelled today.

We were only in the store for a few minutes and when we came back out, the sun was shining and it was beautiful.
Guess NCT and I will have our walk afterall.

It only took us about 20 minutes there and back.
It was 4 when I got home and technically I work until 4:30 so I went back to work.

At 4:30, the stormy weather had returned.
The wind was horrific and the rain was coming down so hard.
I figured the walk was back off again so I decided I'd worked until 5 to make up for the time I took to walk down to the pharmacy then I'd have a nice bath.

What do you know, when I finished up at work at 5, the sky was clear and the sun was shining so brightly that it was just begging me to come out for a walk.

So I texted NCT to see if she still wanted to go.
She did.
My Honey came with us for the walk.
Even though the sun was shining it was on the chilly side but it was still nice to get out.

My Honey cooked up chicken and shrimp for supper and cooked up some romano beans as well.
Beans are high in points but they are so good for you, so I just had a very small portion.
I made us a salad and supper was so good.

My Honey was tired so laid down for a bit of a nap and I considered getting in the tub but then decided to see if he wanted to get out for a bit of a bike ride.
I was kind of hoping he'd say no since he was laying down but he didn't and in the end I was really glad.

We went for a short ride, that little hill felt just as difficult as ever.
I realized that one of my brakes was rubbing on the tire so when we got home, My Honey fixed it.

While he was working on that, I started taking some of the light strings off of our tree out front.
They don't work and we've been wanting to replace them for a couple years but just never get around to it.

While I was doing that, my son called.
He was feeling anxious like he does sometimes so he was out walking.
Miss H is working so she and Baby F are at her grandparents in Barrhead.
I told him to come to my place and help with the lights to get his mind off of things so he did.
He was right up in the tree reaching stuff that I couldn't - it was a big help.
I think it helped him too because he had something else to focus on.

Lots of branches seem to be dead on the tree and were falling off so we gathered all of it up and My Honey took them to our fire pit and started a fire.

We relaxed around it for a bit, mom came out and joined us.
It was very cold.
There are having a heat wave back in NS and we are here freezing our butts off.

Around 10 we called it a night.
I was so cold that when I went in, I decided to have my bath after all to warm up.
Plus I got my hair washed so it was a win win.

It was late when I got to bed finally, I"m going to pay for that in the morning but it was a nice evening so all worth it!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

When A Good Thing Comes To An End (May 26, 2020)

Since I've joined WW again, I decided that each day I would post on WW Connect a reason why I wanted to lose weight.

Today's reason was so that I could get my ring off.
I can't get it over my knuckle and haven't been able to for a couple years now.
If I got some soap and really lathered it on and worked at it, I might be able to but I want it to be able to just come off easily.
Not that I want to stop wearing it or anything, it just needs a really good cleaning is all plus I'll know I've lost weight when I am able to slide it off without a struggle.

This mornings breakfast.
My Honey cooked some salmon last night so I had a piece of that with my omelet and my regular side dishes - cucumber and orange.

I only did 2 stints on the treadmill, around 20 minutes each.

I am jogging at a 3.2 this week and so far, so good.

Miss H posted a new picture of herself today - she is such a beauty - both inside and out.

This memory popped up of Mr H when he got the Super Grover from my sister.
I love that big smile of his - this picture is one of my very favorite's of him.
I had it blown up and put it in a frame and it's hanging on my wall in my picture gallery.

NCT came over after work and we went for a walk.
It's nice to get out and get some extra steps but I think having a chance to chat and catch up with a friend is what I enjoy even more!

I was waiting for My Honey to get home to have supper but he texted to say that he was going to be late so I made myself a quesadilla with leftover salsa chicken.
I even picked up so super low fat sour cream to have with it because who wants a quesadilla with no sour cream?

I spent the evening watching Parenthood.
I only have a few episode left to watch 😢

Luckily - I saw that they have a new series streaming that I'm excited about watching so I have that to look forward to!
Steel Magnolias.
I loved the movie and I have no doubt that I'm going to love the series too.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

Wednesday, 27 May 2020

Weigh In Day (May 25, 2020)

Well it's Monday which means it's weigh in day!
You know you are doing things right when you look forward to weigh in day.

I wasn't disappointed either, 3.4 lbs down.
I'm feeling so good about myself and the more I lose the more I want to try.

I know that consistency is hard and motivation ebbs and flows but I'm feeling really determined and I believe I'm really going to reach my goals this time.

I had a protein packed brunch and it was really good.

Oh to have a cats life.

They love to nap - I guess in reality there isn't much else for them to do.
My Honey always jokes that they have it bad but you know, in a way, maybe they do, poor things.

I ran down to the post office today and was excited to see the internet hub I ordered was in!
My internet has been painfully slow lately and last week I decided that I just couldn't take it anymore.

I had a few meetings today and I didn't want to mess up my internet connections so I decided to wait until after work to get it set up.

I only hopped on the treadmill a couple times today.
I did jog at a 3.2 and it's feeling ok.
I might stick at that for another week - we'll see how it goes next week.
I want to push myself but not to the point of injury.

My toe on my right foot is bothering me a little.
I'm afraid that I'm getting a bunion.
I don't wear tight shoes or pointed shoes or high heels so I'm not sure why - like every other health concern I have, I always blame it on my weight.

I might have to break down and go get an x-ray at some point but for now, I'm babying it and hoping that the weight loss will help.

My Honey found this egg and it was so delicate that it broke when he picked it up.
He figured the bird had hatched from it very recently.
We found some before and they are really beautiful.

Miss H had an interview at the golf course at 5 and my son was working so I got to go over and babysit Baby F for a while.
We got her stroller out and went for a walk.

It seemed like the bar meant to go across her lap was obstructing her view so I took it off.
Thank goodness I had her strapped in because otherwise she would have been out of there.

She pushed right up as far as she could go and sat like that for at least half of the walk.

When we got back to the house she was pretty much sitting on the foot rest.

We played outside for a while then I took her in for a snack.

I gave her a yogurt and she ate the whole entire thing again.
She is really digging yogurt these days!

My Honey made her a flower wreath at work.
He was hoping to drop by to her after work if I was still there but I only ended up being there for about an hour.

Her mom brought fudge sticks home with her so Baby F had one and so did I.
4 points so not too bad - totally worth it.

Want a bite?

When I left, Ozzy was pushed up against the wall having a nap.
He looked so funny.

When I got home, I warmed up some leftover salsa chicken and made a wrap for supper.
I had some home made cole slaw with it.
I made a dressing that is very low in points for it and it was really good.
I'm working on getting all the chicken eaten up but it hardly looks like I've made a dent in it so far.

My Honey had lots of leftovers from his work bbq that he brought home yesterday and we just aren't going to get them eaten so when he got home, we took them over to my son's place.

It was a good excuse to drop by and see Baby F and give her the flower wreath.

My Honey was petting Louie and Baby F got stern with him and was saying 'my Louie' but then she just got up there and was climbing all over him within minutes.

She wanted up on his shoulders.

She is such a little climber and she has no fear which is kind of scary to be honest.
You have to keep a really close eye on her because you never know what she's going to try to climb next.

Then it was time to get her jammies on.

She loves to take My Honey's glasses and try them on, she also took his hat today.
Just being the cool kid she is.

We put the flower wreath on her then I showed her how pretty she looked.

She was primping and preening in the phone so I had to video so of course she immediately stopped and started making animal sounds instead.

I think she quite liked her little floral wreath.

It was a bit big for her because it kept falling down over her head.

Daddy fixed it for her.

She didn't seem to want to take it off.

So she kept it on for a bit while she played until she got tired of it falling around her neck.

When we go over there to visit, it's hard for us to leave because we just love being with her so much.
She's such a little character.

We took her to the bathroom mirror so she could see herself which she enjoyed for a minute until she got distracted by her toothbrush.

So she brushed her teeth instead.

Eventually we did have to leave and let them get her ready for bed.
I told them that we are ready to have her for a sleep over anytime that they are ready now.

Not sure how it will go but we are certainly willing to give it a try.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

Potty Training Begins (May 24, 2020)

I slept in this morning quite late after my late night of binge watching Parenthood.

When I finally got out of bed, I saw that My Honey had been texting me.
While I was sleeping, he was having a very busy morning.
He got rice and chicken on the bbq.

Then he made an ice cream cake.
It had an oreo crumb bottom.

He put a layer of caramel next.

Then slightly softened ice cream.

Then another layer of caramel and some chocolate sauce.

Then finally some crushed oreos up on top.
It looks so yummy.
Glad I'm not our there because it looks hard to resist.

He sent me a picture of the adobe chicken when it was done.
It looks so good.

I made myself an omelet for lunch (I got up way too late for breakfast).

Then I laced up my shoes and hit the pavement again.
It's so nice to see the buds coming out on the trees.

I'm not as fast as I once was but I can feel improvements so that's encouraging.

About 45 minutes in, I could see some foreboding rain clouds off in the distance.

At first I was nervous that I wouldn't get home before the rain hit but then I realized that the worst thing that would happen is that I would get wet and who cares?
I won't melt so it's all good.
The wind picked up too and my hair was all over the place.
I did end up making it home before the rain hit.

I had to go down to the office to print a few things off and pick up a parcel and on the way back this oldie played.
I used to LOVE this song - I didn't even remember it existed until I heard it today.

I made a low cal dressing for some coleslaw mix that I had and warmed up left over salsa chicken for supper.
Yum yum and point friendly too.

When My Honey got home, we hopped on our bikes and went for a ride.

We stopped in to see Baby F and the first thing she did was hide.

Sometimes she runs right for us and other times she plays shy.

You can't see me!

She wasn't really shy today though, just playing.

Wasn't long before she was coming over and wanting to play with us.

I had my phone out to video her and she took it.
So seeing as she was the cameraman, you can't see much in this video but her little voice saying "AMA" pulls my heart strings every time.

She thought it was great that I held her up in the fridge so she could have a look at what was in there.

She found the yogurts.

And she wanted one.

I gave it to her at her little table along with some strawberries.

She went right to town.
She ate up that whole container.

Except for one spoonful that she dropped on herself.
Normally a couple bites in she stops eating and starts just messing around in it but not today boy.
She must have been hungry.

Then she got the blocks out so she & My Honey could play.
She literally dumped them all out on the floor.

The dumping was more fun than playing I think.

She picked some of them up and put them back in the bag just so she could dump them again, ha ha!

Then she got the bright idea to put the bag on her head and run around.

What a goofy kid she is.
Luckily the bag had a clear section in it and her dad turned it around so she could at least see where she was going.

She's going to hate me for this when she's older, she didn't even really want me to take her picture now hence the head turn.
But I love to document everything and maybe part of her will be grateful down the road too.
Anyway - long story short - they have begun trying to potty train her.

I snapped a couple pictures just for memory sake then left her to do her business.
It was getting kind of late anyway so we hopped on our bikes and headed back home.

We live in a very hilly town and there's on hill on the way home that I struggle with on the bike every time.
While it was still a struggle, it wasn't as much of a struggle as it has been so I feel like I'm making progress!

Glowing cheeks after our bike ride.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!