Friday 27 December 2019

WCT for Shopping & Dentist (Dec.18, 2019)

Another busy day at the office.
I had a bit of a project that I started later in the day yesterday and I couldn't wait to get back to it and get it finished up.

I had no meetings so was able to make it to break.

My Honey was teasing BN and said he was going to make a calendar with all the pictures I'd sent of him laying around on the couch at break so BN said 'no more pictures'.
Of course that meant I had to take one.

You'd think he was being stalked by the paparazzi!

I finished my project just after noon so I headed home for lunch.

I wasn't hungry since I'd been snacking at the office all morning so I just watched some of last night's Counting On episode.
It's the episode about Grandma Duggar and her funeral, it was emotional and touching, it had me crying.

The afternoon flew by then I picked up mom and we headed to WCT.
I had a dentist appointment at 6 pm.
I dropped mom off and headed over there hoping they could get me in early.

Turns out they were running late.
It was 7:30 before I got out of there.

I went back to get mom at Walmart, picked up a few things.
I'd ordered a calendar for my dad and it turned out pretty good.

We also stopped and got my brothers hoodies at Mark's Work Wearhouse.

Last stop was McDonald's drive thru for supper.
I had fries and hot mustard sauce - it's so delicious.

The drive home felt long, probably because I was tired.
It was around 9:30 when I got home.

I ate my McChicken that I'd picked up then headed to bed.

Miss H posted this today with a caption 'my love' which makes my heart so happy.

If only!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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