Thursday 19 December 2019

Papa J! (Dec.3, 2019)

It was nice and mild out this morning - just the way I like my winter to be if I have to endure it 😊!
I weighed in again this morning hoping I would see the 250's again but I did not.
Up .2 of a lb.
Not bad, but not good either.
I just have to keep on keeping on.
I had a meeting first thing with some of the admins from the other areas to show them how to use a new report that has become available to us.
I spent the rest of the morning playing catch up with emails.
Got it mostly done by lunch time though.
That meant after lunch, I could focus on some other things I need to catch up on.

At home, My Honey was busy making appetizers for our annual Christmas party that's coming up.

These are home made perogys that he's thinking of serving on a spoon.

He got quite a few of them done.
Then he made a hot chocolate doughnut.

It was full of ooey gooey melty chocolate when you bit into it.
It was made with a potato dough so nice and soft.

I think these will be a hit.
For lunch I had some tomato soup with left over pulled pork added into it.
It was pretty good.
I watched a Christmas Cookie decorating show while I ate.
Those things always make me want to try out cookie decorating like that.
Maybe I will this weekend!
This afternoon I was able to catch up on all the outstanding stuff on my desk which felt really great.
I finished up just after home time but I wanted to be done so I just stayed and did it.
My niece texted to see if she could come over to finish up her sign, I said yes of course.
Then my son & his honey decided to go to WCT to do some shopping and asked if we'd watch Baby F which of course we said we would.
When I got home from work, I glued my trees to their stands, I wanted to get done before everyone arrived and I pretty much did.
I have another 20 trees ready to go.
I have no idea what I'm going to do with them all - I've been giving them away.
I told everyone to take one yesterday when the family was over for supper and both Miss A and Miss H picked two each.
They were pretty happy about it too.
I thought that was cute.
Miss M and Baby F arrived at the house right at the same time.

My Honey kind of took on Baby F duties while I prepared for us to finish up Miss M's sign.
They sat at the little table together and had a tea party of sorts.

She was having a grand time.

The queen of serious faces this one!

She was stirring and very intent on what she was doing.

What good is this spoon to me with nothing on it?

My Honey took care of that, whipped cream it was.

Some got on the cup and she couldn't let any of it be wasted, ha ha!
This is some great stuff!
The spoon was too big for her mouth but that didn't stop her from trying.

Yum, Yum!

Then after she had dessert, we decided she should have some supper.

She's very independent and wants to feed herself.
It's messy but we let her.

My Honey gave her some of the Italian Wedding soup he'd made and she loved that too.

They are just so cute together.

I love how she looks at him, she just adores him.

Her little sideways looks are the funniest.
My sweet girl.
I had to cut out the word 'sweet' again.
We'd put it on the sign last time but the stain wasn't dry enough so when we pulled it back off it was ruined.
All the other letters were cut out and ready to go though.
We gave the sign a sanding to make sure that the stencil vinyl would stick.

Then Miss M got to work putting the letters on.
I helped her.

We got them all on and the next step was to tape up a few spots where the stencil wasn't thick enough then we got to painting.
We put a few layers on, we tried to go lightly at first to avoid any bleeding.

While it was drying, I had a cup of the soup My Honey made for supper - it was fantastic.
Then the fun part, pulling off the stencil.
There was some bleeding and some spots we had to touch up but overall it looked good.
She decided she wanted to add some ribbon so we found some in my stock pile and made a bow too.
I think it turned out really well, she's happy with it too.
All this time, My Honey was busy entertaining Baby F.

They took everything out of the cupboard together

He told her what every single thing was and she's just hanging on his every word.

Then they played in the sink for a bit.

Drying off those darling little toes.

Ok, that was fun, what next.
I know, let's play 'bowl hat'.

Uh oh, where did she go?
Here I am!
She thought this was a great game.

I think she might just have left it on all night.
Fun times.
Miss M went home after we finished up the sign.
She may come back on Saturday to make gingerbread houses and cookies.
Baby F was there later.

She really is attached to My Honey - she just loves him.

She cuddled right up to him on the couch.

Miss M was calling him Papa J and I think it might stick.
She didn't get upset at all that her mom & dad weren't there.
She just loves the kitties, she hasn't quite mastered 'gentle petting' yet but the kitties tolerate it until they have a chance to hide.

My Honey did show her how to feed them.

So she was all about that.

She kept filling and more made it on the floor than in their bowls but she was loving it.
We let her have the chocolate out of the advent calendar today and then she just went wild.
She was running back & forth in the living room, it was hilarious to watch.
It was around 9:30 when mom & dad came to pick her up and even though she hadn't missed them, she sure was happy to see them!
She is a lot of fun and I just love spending time with her, My Honey feels the same way and he's so good with her.

That's all for today, until next time.

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