Saturday 21 December 2019

Office Gift Exchange (Dec.11, 2019)

It was a true winter wonderland out there this morning.

I'm not a fan of winter by any stretch of the imagination but I will admit that the world looks so beautiful when it is covered in hoar frost like this.

It just makes everything look so magical.

I'm always sad when it goes away.

The morning went by pretty quickly then it was time for me to run home and pick up the perogy's My Honey had made for our office gift exchange lunch.

Everything looked so good that I had to try it all.

Eating was the first order of business.

As usual, that's right when I remembered to take some pictures so I got lots of nice shots of people eating.
I figured it was the perfect opportunity to break out my fancy Christmas hat again.

We had some of our vendors join us as well.
They've been coming the past few years and they really seem to enjoy it.

The new lead in the field, BT, got to join us for the first time too.

After we ate, the gift exchange got under way.

This guy had number one and each person after him kept stealing his gifts so he had to open like five in a row.
It was pretty funny.

The best foreman in the whole world right there.
BL is one of the kindest, most genuinely nice men I have ever had the opportunity to know.

BN ended up stealing the gift I brought from BH.
He said he's just going to leave it all wrapped just like it is and give it to his sister.
My Honey was teasing him for taking the 'girlie' gift.

The guys from Secure left after the gift exchange was over.

Some of us from the office hung around a bit longer to visit and have dessert.

I think BT enjoyed his first gift exhange.

AR was even to make it out from St Albert today.

I ended up winning a foot massager which I can't wait to try out.

While we were having the gift exchange, this is part of what was going on at home, lots of napping.

My Honey meanwhile was making moussaka for supper.

I wasn't that hungry after our big lunch but it smelled so delicious that I just had to try some.
It was delicious too!

Baby F went to get pictures with Santa today and it didn't go any better than when she met him at light up.
Miss H did say that as soon as she was safe in her mommy's arms, she did turn back and wave at Santa.
Guess that's a start (or maybe she was being cheeky)!

My SIL posted this pic of her and Mr H - I love it!

Ha ha - some of the memes I see just crack me up.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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