Thursday 19 December 2019

Back to My Regular Routine (Dec.2, 2019)

Getting back to work today was like returning after a long vacation only there was no vacation, I was just away doing work stuff.
I weighed in first thing when I got there.
I was hoping to have lost a little or at least still be in the 250's, I wasn't far off though so I'm not going to beat myself up over it.
Work was busy, I had a lot of emails to catch up on.
I had lots of parcels waiting for me too.
The Christmas stuff I ordered is starting to arrive.
For lunch I just had leftover pulled pork with coleslaw.
I skipped the bread.
The afternoon flew by, NR with WCSS dropped by to sign my invoice so I got those sent out today.
My Honey had cooked up a turkey for meat pie and he kept the breast out separate so that is what we had for supper.
Along with brussel sprouts and mashed potatoes.
I only took a small spoon full of the potatoes.


Then it was off to curling.
I didn't want to leave the house to go but once I got there it was fine.
We played a pretty good game.
We got 4 pts in the 1st end, the other team got 1 pt in the second, then we got another 4 pts in the 3rd.
They got 1 pt in each of the 4 & 5th ends then we got the point in the 6th and they packed it in.
Which was fine with me.
When I got home, My Honey and I watched an episode of the new version of the Dark Crystal that came out recently.
It took me a little to figure out what they were talking about and what is going on but I think I got it.
It's pretty good - I'm sure we will end up watching the rest.
My Honey got a bunch of wood slices cut for me for the rest of the trees I made but I didn't get them put on.
I'll do it tomorrow night.

In other news, my SIL posted this cute pic of Mr H with Santa from the other night.

Over at my son's house they decorated the tree.
Of course Baby F helped out.

She got to put up the star!
That is about all for today, until next time, be happy!

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