Friday 27 December 2019

Gift Wrapping Party (Dec.20, 2019)

The Adopt-a-Family gifts were getting delivered today at 12:30 so as soon as we got to the office the morning, we got straight to work.

The wrapping party was on.

We organized all the gifts and put tags on each of them.

We were able to pick up cookies and games for each of the families and we were even able to get these snowmen for the nursing homes where two of our employees have (or had) family staying.

Everyone in the office came out to help.

It's serious business, gift wrapping.
The girls tried to give BN the odd shaped ones but he didn't go for it - said he was a pro at the square stuff!

We put Christmas music on and it's a fun time.

Between all of us, it takes no time to get the gifts all wrapped.

BN needs another present to wrap guys.

We always have a lot of laughs.

We finished up and went on break where there happened to be a huge discussion about the toilet paper that we have in the office.
It's horrible stuff, just like paper.
They were getting us better stuff but then went back to the old stuff - we've no idea why.

It got a little more heated than it should have so we cut the discussion but then I went home to get some gift tags and when I came back, this was on the front desk.
It made me laugh.
Really, it's only toilet paper, nothing to get too upset about.

We packed all the gifts up and dropped them off to the church where they were getting everything ready to deliver.
Then we headed back to the office.

We decided to order in lunch and asked the guys to join us.
Only BL and JRA did and BL even ended up buying us lunch.
He gave each of us girls a cutting board too that his son made.
They are very nice.

I ordered this calendar for my dad on the Walmart website and picked it up the other night when I went there.
I got it ready along with some gift cards and books and got my dad's Christmas parcel sent out today.
It's not going to get there in time for Christmas but it's on its way at least.

I didn't get a whole lot of work done although I did try.
It was close to 4 when we called it a day.
I don't ever remember having this many days off before Christmas and I'm going to enjoy it.

Miss H took Baby F to get some Christmas pictures done and I really like how they turned out.

She posted a few sneak peaks today.

I love the little boots on her.

The little cape is so darling.

Not sure if she'll appreciate this shot too much when she is grown up but it is pretty cute right now.

Awww, loving her momma.

A girl who lives here in town took these shots and she's really improving when I compare these to some of the pictures she took a few years back.

I was happy to get home tonight and just veg out and do nothing.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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