Friday 27 December 2019

Christmas Lunch & My Decorations This Year (Dec.16, 2019)

One of the consultants that works for us takes us out for lunch at Christmas time and today was that day.

There is RH and CO.

SV and SG.
BH had an appointment for her vehicle in WCT this afternoon so she couldn't come.

BN, LM and another of our consultants, DS.

Having a laugh.

LM's wife was able to join us today too which was nice.
Side note - I look humongous in this picture so I hate posting it but that is all going to change in the new year.
I am determined.

Lunch was good - we had so much leftovers I ended up making up a plate to take home to My Honey.

KS is off to Hawaii for Christmas today so we moved our game to last night instead.
As I was having my party, I wasn't able to make it.
I was ok with that though, it meant I had the night off from curling tonight.

I went around the house and took some more pictures of the decorations.
I think they turned out so nicely this year.
This is a new couple I picked up this year.

I tried to keep things less crowded this year so a bunch of stuff didn't end up getting put out.

The bench My Honey made came in handy as a place to display a few things.

I didn't put out my whole collection of musical stuffies this year either.
Just a few of the favorites.

I'm happy with how the fireplace area looks.

I'm happy with the curtain topper too - It looks so good.

These lanterns are out all year round but the wreaths make them look kind of Christmassy.

I had this wreath on the mirror last year but I like it better here, it's such a pretty wreath.

My collection of nutcrackers.

My Honey found this felt elf and I just love her.
I'm going to keep my eye out for another so I can hang it from the other side, or maybe I'll get some felt and make one.

I like the greenery along the top of the curtains in the dining room.

The ball garland and the snowflakes I had on this light last year and I love how it looked.
This year I added the giant gingerbread cookie cutter - I think cookie cutters make great decorations.

Another new couple I picked up for myself this year - they are sitting with all my little birds and I think it all looks so great.

Snowflakes make everything look so great and they are so cheap.

I painted up a sign to send to my sister - I want to get her parcel shipped out tomorrow.

This couple I picked up years ago and I still love them just as much as ever.
Then the sign and the trees I made this year.
I'm still using the cinnamon ornaments I made a few years back with the kids too - I just love how they turned out and they even still smell delicious.

Ha ha ha!

My mom's family has a tradition of putting pictures of our trees and Christmas decor up on a Facebook page we created.
This belongs to my cousin Troy and his son.

This one belongs to his mother and father.

This one is his sisters.

These next few are from my cousin Joanie's home.

I love blue colored ornaments.

I really like the trees and the 'Believe' sign here too.

Here is my cousin T and her family with their tree.

My SIL posted some pictures from the Girl Guide party.

They are playing a wrapping game.

Miss A had her hands behind her back, then her friend has her hands looped through and is wrapping the present without being able to see it.

The girls also made Christmas hats out of old coffee cans.

I think they turned out great.

Santa stopped by for a visit.

I think the girls quite enjoyed that.

I'm glad there are extra curricular options aside from sports in town.
Not that there is anything wrong with sports, it's just that they aren't for everyone.

Santa brought gifts too so of course that was a hit.

My SIL also posted this picture of her and Miss A from a few years back - what a little dolly she was.

Miss H and her mom made these wreaths today at an FCSS program - it turned out great.

OMG, ha ha ha!
I want to hear the rest of it too!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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