Saturday 21 December 2019

Girl Guide Performance (Dec.9, 2019)

Monday means back to work.
It also means weigh in.
I'm up a smidge but still close to the 250's so I'm ok with that.

Miss A had a Girl Guide presentation that she invited us too so mom and I headed over there after supper.
Mr H was shy at first and stuck right to his mom.
He does that sometimes.
He did come around after the performance and give me lots of hugs!

Miss M was there as well.

The girls put on a little skit that they came up with themselves.

Enter Miss A.

They did a bit of a dance scene.

The skit was about bullying and how hurtful it is.

But how being mean makes you feel bad but being nice to each other feels so much better.

They did a pretty good job.

They sang a song for us at the end.

Then finished it off with their girl guide promise.

From there, I headed to curling.
It was a quick night, the other team just crushed us and we quit after the 4th end.
That didn't hurt my feelings too much, I was happy to go home early and sit and enjoy my tree!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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