Friday 27 December 2019

Our Annual Get Together/Gift Exchange/Food Fest! (Dec.15, 2019)

Tonight we are having our annual Christmas party/gift exchange so we were up early.
Have lots to get ready.

Paddington was not one bit concerned about all the preparations going on around him.

Or by the fact that I wanted to get the bed made.

He parked himself right in the middle of the bed and groomed himself and I just left him to it.
I had lots of other things I needed to get to.

I got the stencils on the wood for the signs I wanted to make.
I finished one up last night so I took that stencil off to see how it turned out.
It wasn't as clean as I wanted but I planned on roughing it up a bit anyway so it looked like it had been around for awhile.
I got paint on the other signs then left them to dry.

Next I finished up the wreaths.
I had got the stencils cut and put on the signs last night and got a coat of paint on them so this morning I took off the stencils, sanded them back a bit and put them on the wreaths.
I am happy with how they turned out.

By this time, the paint on the signs had dried so I took off the stencils and added a few details, like the lights.
I'm happy with how they turned out.
My Honey is going to drill holes in the top and I'll add a wired hanger to each and voila!

My Honey had been busy working on the food all day and now that I was done with the gifts and cleaning, I was able to help him get everything plated up.
This is banana puddings that he made.

Bacon balls in a pogo batter with maple aioli dip.

Hot chocolate doughnuts.

Chicken fried bacon.

Potato dumplings or perogies with bacon & butter.

Crab cakes.

Sticky toffee pudding.
This was my favorite - it was amazing!

Avocado chicken & bacon egg rolls.
These were delicious.

We were actually done and ready to go when everyone showed up around 6.

BV had to work so he wasn't able to make it.

BH & JH.

My Honey - the chef of the evening (and pretty much every other evening too).

Mom came up and had a bite to eat with us.

After we stuffed ourselves silly, we moved to the more comfy seating in the living room.

It was the first time the girls had tried out my new couch and they thought it was comfy.
I'm still on the fence - I feel like my old couch was way comfier.

My Honey found some Christmas music for us to listen to.

SV and I.

Then we got to the gift exchange part.

NCT & KT whipped up this awesome deer for BH just yesterday.

I was eyeing up this 'barn door' at the hardware the other day and SV got it for me!

BH made these jewellery hangers for all of us - I love the color and I think they are such a cool idea.

NCT made me this pillow - I just love it.
Everyone hung out until just after 9 then we called it a night since we all had to work in the morning.
It was a fun night though and can't wait to do it all again next year!

My Honey & I cleaned up then I took a few pictures around the house just because everything looked so nice.
These are stockings we've had since the 70's that my mom made for us.
Aren't they awesome?

BH made the star in the back and gave it to me last year - I love it.

This is one of the trees I made this year - this one was actually out of a sweater and it's one of my favorites of all the different ones I made.

My niece and her honey got pictures done and she posted this sneak peak - I love how it turned out.

What a super idea!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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