Monday 30 December 2019

Christmas Vacation Has Begun! (Dec.21, 2019)

My plans for today were to get a few gifts wrapped.
For the most part, my mom has been a major help and has wrapped up all of my presents for me, except of course the ones that I bought for her.

So I gathered together all of the gift wrapping tools I needed, made myself a coffee and found a movie to watch.
I picked Angel Falls A Novel Holiday.
I got all of the gifts wrapped in no time.

I decided to watch another movie because, why not?

I picked up these iron on embroidered letters to add to the advent calendar I picked up for Baby F so I got that done this morning too.
The letters were big and I would have preferred to have her name on this horizontally but that just wasn't an option.
This will do.
I'd still like to get her a different kind of advent calendar but this will work for now.
It looks just like the one I made for my son when he was young.

We picked up little Christmas hats for the kitties so I tried one on Paddington.

He pretty much was obsessed with getting it off as soon as I put it on him but I was lucky enough to catch this cute shot of him.

Next I worked on getting a stencil made for the growth chart I'm making.
I was trying to figure out which of these fonts I liked best, I ended up going with option 3.

Mom had a Christmas party to go to so I talked her into wearing this cute sweater.

My brother and SIL had to go do some last minute Christmas shopping so asked if I could watch Mr H (Miss A was at a sleepover).
Of course I said to bring him on over.

I didn't feel like cooking so I ordered pizza.
I let him pick which kind (cheese) so he was pretty stoked about that.

I must say that it was a pretty good option - I liked it.

He was posing for pictures then looking at each one to see if he approved.

Silly boy - I do so love him.

He wanted to take my picture.

We decided to make chocolate chip cookies.

He was taste testing as I was taking them out of the oven.

The chocolate chips were pretty melty.

As soon as My Honey got home from work, Mr H had him hook up the playstation so they could play video games.

They only had about an hour before my brother was back to pick up Mr H.

My brother is in the city so I asked him to pick up some fur for me.
I want to make gnomes with everyone and I'm not sure if I'll make it into the city to pick some up myself.
I sent him this picture so he would have an idea of what I was looking for.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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