Monday 9 December 2019

Visit with Family in GP (Nov.29, 2019)

My plan this morning was to go in to the office for a couple of hours then hit the road early.
So I skipped breakfast and headed straight to work.

I worked until just after 10 then met My Honey at Tim Hortons for breakfast.
He'd walked over there from the hotel even though it was freezing cold outside.

He was sitting waiting for me and had already ordered breakfast for us.

I had the usual, a bagel belt with bacon on and everything bagel.
It was yummy!

We ate, picked our stuff up from the hotel and checked out then hit the road.

I noticed this store in Dawson Creek as we passed by it the other day and wanted to stop and check it out today.

It had lots of nice things but was pricey as these stores normally are.
I did get little mice tree ornaments, a boy and a girl, for My Honey's niece.

It was a chilly day out there today.
It was super smoky as we were heading toward Grande Prairie but cleared up when we got there.

We were planning on meeting up with My Honey's brother and his kids tonight for supper but it was around 3 when we got to GP so we had lots of time to do some shopping.
It is Black Friday after all - I was hoping I'd find some deals.

I found this and considered getting it for my one brother but I was afraid he might already have it so skipped it.
We shopped for a couple hours and I was getting hungry.
We weren't meeting up for supper until after 7 so we decided to get a little something to tide us over.
We went to Brown's Social House.

I ordered myself a virgin caesar - so yummy I practically drank it in one gulp.

I had some thai chili chicken soup.
It was good but it was a super small portion.

I loved the chandeliers they had in the place.

I had an ahi tuna salad, it was good but not as good as the chicken pear salad I had last night.

My Honey had their version of ramen - he said it was good.

I got such a good guy.
I know power shopping isn't his favorite but he stuck it out with me.

After we got fueled up, we headed back out to the stores.
I didn't find much for deals but I did get some things that I needed.

Just after 7, we met up at a pizza place for supper, FireCrust.

We gave the kids their Christmas presents and they were opening them here.
We visited for quite a while.
Miss M is taking teaching and is currently doing some on the job training so was sharing some fun stories about the kiddos.
We were so busy chatting and catching up that I forgot to take pictures.

We stayed there until about 9 then Miss M and her honey headed off to their place and we followed My Honey's brother to his place.

His honey had slipped and fell earlier this week so she couldn't meet us for supper as she was home staying off of her ankle.

Their baby
She loves cuddling under the covers.

We sat and chatted with everyone until about midnight then headed to bed.
Mr J was kind enough to let us have his room and I fell in love with the sheets.
They were Calvin Klein and I told My Honey I am going to buy myself some tomorrow.

I thought this was cute, ha ha!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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