Friday 20 December 2019

Office Christmas Party in St Albert (Dec.5, 2019)

We were heading into St Albert first thing this morning for our annual Christmas party.

My present for the gift exchange was all good to go.
Paddington was loving the ribbon.

I had to shut the door to my craft room last night to keep him away from it but as soon as I opened it this morning, he was right in there chewing on it.

Hard to get mad at him though when he's so darn cute.

We stopped in Westlock for a bathroom break and breakfast at Timmie's.
I was the first one back to the truck so I took pictures of all the girls as they were coming out.

There's BH checking her phone.

SV's out now too, we are ready to go.
They didn't even notice me taking their pictures.

I took better pictures once we got in the truck.

They are so used to my picture taking that they just automatically pose now for me with my even having to ask.


SG and I had a meeting first and so BH & SV dropped us off and went shopping.
Our meeting was over pretty quickly though, we went over a few invoicing and safety things then it was on to the fun stuff.

Playing games!

JM created a game of Jeopardy for us and she was the host.
(Today is her last day, she's heading out on maternity leave, she has a little one due in January).

Team 1.

Team 2 (this was my team).

Team three - these guys were the ultimate winners - they got lunch kits for all their hard work!
The lady in red is my boss, BB.
Next to her on the right is CC, she's a very nice lady.  She also suffered a stroke and speaking to her after mom's gave me a lot of encouragement.
Then next to her on the right is LI.
She is the safety admin for the rest of St Albert and she & I chat a lot.
She's a very nice girl as well.

We had Chinese food brought in for lunch and it was really good.
Dessert was pot luck and there were all kinds of goodies to chose from.
I tried to be fairly good and for the most part stayed away although I did have a bite of cheesecake (it's one of the desserts I find hard to resist).

By this time BH and SV had returned and it was time to get started on the gift exchange.

We all started out with our own gifts that we'd brought.

I wanted to make sure I got a picture of everyone so I took a picture of the table from both ends.
It's a fun game, BB reads a story and every time she says 'right' or 'left' in the story, we have to move the gifts that way.
It went on for about 4 pages and there was lots of 'lefts' and 'rights' in the story which makes it extra fun.
Then at the end of the story, whatever gift is in front of you, you get to open.
I got a set of remote control battery operated candles which I love!

Then it was time for crafts.
BB & CC had picked up all the supplies for us to make hanger snowflakes.

There was only so much room at the conference table.

So some people had to work on the floor.

I just so happened to make one not long ago so I was able to assist a bit in getting started.

Everybody concentrating hard on their work.

Everyone was really enjoying it.

Luckily there was an extra table at the back that some of us were able to work at too.

They are coming together nicely.

They are definitely looking like snowflakes.

They picked up lights for us to put on them too, that was the last step.

The final product.

WW showing off her great job.

We turned the lights off so we could admire them in the dark.

Although not everyone was quite finished.

Just visiting waiting for the slow folk to catch up.
When we were all done, we got them and paraded around the rest of the office to show off what we'd made to everyone else there.
Luckily there weren't that many other people around 😉

ML had a wide lens camera on her phone so we were able to get a shot of all of us together with our snowflakes.
It was really a fun party, I think we all quite enjoyed ourselves.

We visited for a short time then we headed out.
We didn't go straight home though - we went shopping!

This is the doll Miss A wanted for Christmas, we happened upon them so I picked one up for her.
We all got quite a bit accomplished then left the city around 6 pm.

We stopped at Boston Pizza in Westlock for supper.
SV and SG.

BH & I.

I ordered the beef dip and cactus cut fries.
The beef was really tough and I didn't care for the sandwich at all.
The cactus fries are spicy so I couldn't eat many of them.
I was still pretty full from lunch anyway so it was all good.

It was around 9 by the time I got home.
We didn't unload anything tonight, decided we'd rather do it in the morning.

My Honey had the tree up when I got home - bless him!

He was so happy to see the sandwich I'd stopped and picked up for him at the Italian Market today.
Even happier when he found out I got him two so he can have one for lunch tomorrow.

Miss H posted this cute picture of my boy and their fur babies.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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