Monday 30 December 2019

Last Shopping Trip of the Season (Dec.22, 2019)

I got up when My Honey was heading to work, made myself a coffee and found a movie to watch.

It was cute.

Mom, my son and I were all heading in to the city to do some shopping today.
My son had to work for a few hours first so while I was waiting for him to get home, I got going on some snowmen I'm making for the girls.

I got the white basecoat on and then got started on the scarves.
I did a bit of blogging too and around 11, my son texted to say that he was ready to go.

Right around the same time, my brother called - he was at the fabric store and found the fur so he sent some examples so I could pick which one I wanted.

This is the one I chose.

Mom and I picked up my boy then we were on our way.
We stopped at McDonald's in Westlock for some lunch.
I had fries with hot mustard sauce to dip them in - soooo good.

I got a picture from My Honey right around that time of the lasagna he made for the guys at work today.
Looks delicious, those lucky guys!

We made a stop at Costco, then Winners and then we headed to WEM.
We all split up then made a plan to meet back up at the food court.

I wanted to get something for Miss Z and she's a huge Frozen Fan so I had it narrowed down to these two options.

It took me a long time to decide and I finally texted Miss H to get her opinion and turns out she already has these.
So glad I checked first.
I ended up getting her a Barbie car and a plush Minnie Mouse doll.

I was done shopping by that point and headed to the food court.
I got myself a crepe with strawberries, custard and almonds, yum yum!

Then I found mom and joined her, she was done too.
We both had a snack and just chilled for a bit, we were tired.
It wasn't long before my son was finished up too and we hit the road for home.

My son showed us the new hat he picked up for himself.
I love it.
We made one more stop on the way home at Walmart then thankfully the roads were nice and clear and dry for the drive home.
We did see lots of wildlife so that slowed us down somewhat but we made it back safe & sound right around 9 pm.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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