Wednesday 18 December 2019

Happy Birthday to My Brother R! (Dec.1, 2019)

It was nice to wake up in our own bed this morning.
I slept in until about 8 which is late for me these days.

I made a coffee and found myself a movie to watch.
Christmas at the Plaza was today's choice.
It was just ok.

Professor Snuggles was looking pretty comfy on the couch.

I picked up this little girlie on our trip - I just love her.

I also got this glamorous couple.
I keep saying I'm not going to buy anymore then I see them and I can't resist.

I had lots I wanted to do so after the movie I got going.
I glued stems on all of the Christmas trees that I made.

Then I got going on my Reindeer Crack.
I've been making it for a few years now and it's quickly become a favorite.
I dumped everything in a bowl together.

Then I melted the chocolate and poured it over.

I let it set up on cookie sheets then portioned it into bags and put it in the freezer.

I had the whole family over for supper tonight for my brother R's birthday.

Baby F got to try out the new little owl chair I picked up for her.

I think she quite liked it.

My Honey got her a few little stuffed elves too and she liked them too.

She was willing to share with My Honey.

Finally, a nice picture of mom smiling.

The birthday boy!

Sometimes you just need to sit with your mom!

She found something to chew on.

This hurricane rolled in just before we ate, he is always on the go this guy.

My Honey made pulled pork, beans, cole slaw and mac & cheese.
Not exactly light eating but it was delish!

I always seem to take pictures when everyone is eating - for some reason, that's when I think of it.

Oh, got a wave from my baby brother.

Miss M joined Miss A at the little kids table.
It's nice that we have that extra space now, before we would take turns at the big table.

I bought this musical carousel for my son when he was little from Avon.

It still works all these years later - still entertains the little ones too.
We had chocolate tuxedo cake for dessert.

Not hard to tell little Miss had some.
She does like chocolate - takes after her Grandma I guess 😉
The Tuxedo cake was a big hit,
with everyone!
He even ate all of his supper (which he is prone NOT to do) just to ensure he could have some.
Everybody was showing there muscles off!
After that Mr H was trying to get me to go downstairs to the basement with him.
I asked him why and he said he needed to go on the treadmill.
I said why do you want to go downstairs when everyone is here visiting, don't you want to visit with them?
He says 'no, I need to work out because my muscles are only this big (and he does this with his fingers)

but I need them to be this big.'
(Then he shows me this).
Ha ha - he cracks me up.

After we ate, we visited for awhile.

Baby F was trying to get at the kitty.

The kids drew pictures.

Baby F played with another of the Christmas Decorations I've had for years.
I got it from Avon and it's a little skating rink with a Santa that skates around on it.
I've had it for years too - Avon makes good stuff!

She was playing with all of my Christmas stuffies - turning the ones on that she could.

Baby F is growing up so fast, she's exploring and checking everything out that she can get her hands on.

She's a climber too - My Honey was helping her 'jump' from chair to chair around the living room and she though that was just great.
My Honey blew up a glove for her and she destroyed it in minutes.
This is why balloons make me nervous.
Since the glove idea didn't pan out so well, My Honey found some actual balloons.
Mr H still loves them, maybe not quite as much as when he was younger.

Baby F loves them almost as much as he did.
It was so nice to have everyone over - that's what the holiday season is all about and just life in general really.
Spending time with the people we love.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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