Sunday 8 December 2019

Eating Our Way Through Fort St John (Nov.28, 2019)

When I was here the last trip, the hotel put on a really great breakfast.
Since then, they've opened a Denny's right in the restaurant so now they just give a coupon to go there.

So we headed down there early for some breakfast.
I felt bad because there was one waitress and she was working all by herself.

It was a bit of a wait before she took our order but then breakfast came pretty quickly.

I made sure to leave our waitress a really good tip.
I hoped it helped to brighten her day at least a little.

After breakfast, My Honey dropped me off at the office and he went shopping.
They hired a new girl since I was here last and I spending the day with her, training her.

My Honey was sending me pictures of all the things he was finding for the magic toolbox for the kiddos.

Mr H will like this one.

At lunch time, I got My Honey to pick me up and we went to the Canadian Grill.
It's a soup and sandwich place inside of a scrapbook/camera/ craft store.

After I ordered my lunch, I was able to check out all the lovely things in the store.

Like this mug.
I like the snowman on it, I may try to replicate him on a piece of barn wood.

We had our soup and sandwiches - both were very good, then My Honey dropped me back to the office for the afternoon.

When he picked me up at the end of the day, we shopped a bit first then we found a place to have supper.
The ratings for this spot were pretty good so we went there.
Mondo Restaurant.

It was practically empty inside so we weren't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

We got these steak tips for an appetizer.
They came with a tomato relish which wasn't my thing but the steak tips were awesome.
Well seasoned and tender, so so good.

I ordered this salad that had spinach, pear, goat cheese, egg, chicken and candied pecans.
It was awesome.
There was a ton of it and it was so delicious that I ate every single bite.

My Honey had the fried chicken sandwich and I think the piece of chicken they gave him was as big as his head.
You can't even see the bun that it's on because it was so huge.

We were very impressed with our meal and would most definitely go there again.

We shopped a little bit after we ate but then headed to the room early to hang out.

Miss H posted this one of Baby F this morning.
She said the first thing she does in the morning when she gets up is go get her coat and put it on.
Ha ha - is that a hint I wonder?

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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