Friday 27 December 2019

Adopt-a-Family Shopping (Dec.19, 2019)

Work flew by this morning and around 11:30, us girls headed to WCT to do shopping for the adopt-a-family.
We buy one gift for each child for all the families that apply and then if we have enough, we also get a family gift for each family.
We had 22 kids to shop for, 17 families and $1200.00.

BL told us to go get some lunch so we took a company truck and headed out.
SV did the driving - I was glad to have a break from the driving.

SG and I sat in the back.

We stopped and got lunch first at Original Joe's.
The place was packed, I've never seen it like that before.

I think we got the last available table.

I got the Kona burger - it was messy but good.

I got regular fries and sweet potato fries as the sides.

After we ate, we headed to Walmart.
It took us a couple hours but we got it all done.
I think we turned a couple heads with the four of us pushing around shopping carts loaded to the gills.

We had to make a few other stops then we headed home.
We stopped and dropped all the stuff off at the office - we'll have a wrapping party in the morning.
I was happy to get home, it's been busy and it's catching up with me.

FCSS had their children's christmas party this morning and Miss H went with her mom, her sister and Baby F.
Mrs. Santa Claus was there and Miss Z was happy to see her.

Baby F on the other hand was not.
She didn't take to Mrs. Claus anymore than the big guy himself.

She was desperate to get away.

My sister posted this - a bunch of clutter free gift ideas.
I thought some of them were quite clever.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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