Friday 20 December 2019

Dentist Appointment (or Not)! (Dec.4, 2019)

Proof for My Honey that BN is working extremely hard at the office this morning.

It was just about a full house at coffee break this morning.

Right after work I headed to WCT for a dentist appointment.
I was listening to some good tunes on the way.

I found a new Christmas station that I quite enjoyed.

I don't know that I ever heard this song before but I liked it.

I got to the dentist a little early and they took me in.
Just as I was sitting in the chair to get started though, the carbon monoxide alarm started going off in the building.
So he had me go back out front until the fire department came and gave the ok.
I waited about 30 min, no one was showing up so they called 911 and they told us that we should exit the building.
So basically my appointment was scrapped and I'll have to reschedule.

I did a bit of shopping after I left there then headed back home.

There's the new batch of trees I made all ready to go.

I added a ribbon to the gift I picked up for our work gift exchange in St Albert tomorrow and got it wrapped.

I also made this sign for Miss H's mom's massage studio. 

This is totally how I feel sometimes.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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