Friday 27 December 2019

Kids Christmas Concert (Dec.17, 2019)

Eating well has totally gone out the window until after Christmas.
For breakfast today I had mini croissants and 3 slices of the chicken fried bacon that My Honey made for the party and it was delicious.

I brought my sisters Christmas parcel with me to work this morning so I could get it sent out on Purolator today.
It was pricey to send it but I want to make sure she gets it before Christmas so it was worth it.

Work was busy.
I have lots that I'm trying to get done before we head out for the holidays.
I like it busy though - it's better than being bored and looking for things to do.

At break we were all looking for chips today.
Usually there are lots down in the break room but now that I'm eating them, there aren't any.
I think I'm going to pick some up tonight.

I had a massage booked for 6 and SV had one at 2:30
She had a Christmas concert to go to this afternoon and I have one tonight so we switched appointments.

I worked through lunch so that I could leave early.
I just snacked on things we had here at the office, mainly chocolates.
My body is going to be so happy when this holiday season is over.
The junk bothers my belly but I continue right on eating it.

I took KW one of the Christmas trees I made as a little Christmas present for her.
I think she liked it.

I only had an hour long massage today but I think it was enough.

I love coming home and turning the Christmas tree lights on.

I invited my son over for supper.
Miss H and Baby F were gone to Barrhead for a visit so he came over by himself.

My Honey made pizza soup which I'd never heard of before but it was really good.

Mom really liked it.

Doesn't it look just fabulous?

He was making sausage today so he didn't end up coming to the Christmas concert.

Mom & I went and we picked Miss M up along the way.

My brother and Mr H showed up just as the concert was starting.

The little ones are always so cute to watch.

They are always so shy - well most of them anyway.

I love it when they get on stage and see their parents in the audience and start waving to them.

There are always a couple that look like they'd rather be someplace else.

The little red headed fellow on the far left was so cute.

This group were just singing their little hearts out.

Well most of them were anyway.

I enjoy seeing everyone out and seeing all the kids dressed up.

Mr. H had to stand on his dad's lap so he could see.

Miss M and I both stood at the back for the whole concert.
I prefer to do that then I can take pictures and I'm not blocking anyone's view.

It seemed to drag out a bit tonight, each group did 4 songs, I think 2 would have been sufficient.
All the kids in the audience were getting restless by the end and I don't blame them.
I was feeling the same way.

I was happy when Miss A's group finally came out.

Miss A did a great job.

She looked beautiful in her Christmas dress.

They got out their instruments for one song.

She played the recorder  - I didn't realize she knew how to play one.

I was trying to keep Mr H and his best buddy, L, occupied near the end.

We were making silly faces.

Sticking your tongue out is always a go to.

They thought that was just great.

It kept them entertained until the end of the concert anyway.
It was nearly 9 pm when the concert got out and we didn't stick around, just headed straight home.

My Honey had finished up his sausage and I taste tested it - It was awesome!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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