Sunday 8 December 2019

Another Conference in the Books (Nov.26, 2019)

I had half a day of conference left today.

I got down there early.
As expected, they had sausage today for breakfast instead of bacon so I just skipped the meat all together.

We were out of there by 11 am so I headed back to the room.
Mom hadn't done that much shopping and neither had I so we were able to take everything out at once.

We checked out then did some shopping until around 3 pm.
Mom had an appointment for an ultra sound on her shoulder at 3:30 in West Edmonton.
The weather was starting to look not so good so I got to the appointment early hoping they could fit us in and we could hit the road for home early.

They did get her in a bit early and by 3:30 we were in the truck and heading home.

It was slow going because the roads were snow covered and it was snowing still, quite a bit.

We made it safe and sound though and I was happy to be home.

My boy posted some pictures of Baby F on Facebook.

Trying on Daddy's hat.

She doesn't even look like herself in this one.

I think it might be a little big, ha ha.

Love those faces!

Pink Martini is coming to Edmonton!!!
I think My Honey is off that weekend so we can actually go!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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