Saturday 21 December 2019

Quiet Friday (Dec.6, 2019)

I'm so happy it's Friday - my favorite day of the week!

I captured another shot of BN hard at it to send to My Honey.

As usual, missing a day meant work was super busy catching up on emails and the day just flew by, before I knew it, it was time to go home.

I was feeling really tired so didn't get up to much this evening.
Watched some tv and that was about it.

My niece, Miss M, posted a picture of some of her Christmas decorations.
These are the trees I made that she picked out, I think it looks great!

My cousin saw the post and coincidentally was wearing this shirt!

Ha ha - isn't that the truth?

Harsh language I know but this cracked me up!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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