Wednesday 11 December 2019

Family & Home (Nov.30, 2019)

We woke up fairly early and My Honey's brother made us all breakfast.
My Honey and his nephew, Mr.J!
We all chatted while MT was cooking.
He made pancakes and they were so delicious!
He also made a blueberry sauce but I skipped that.
After breakfast, we visited for an hour or so then we headed out.
I had some more shopping I wanted to do and home is still another 3.5 hour drive from here.
I got most of what I wanted done and our last stop was Home Depot to pick up a Christmas tree.
They are all tied up so we won't know what we have until we get it home and open it up but whatever it is, we can make it work.
It was right around 3 as we were leaving GP and we hadn't eaten yet so we headed to Arby's.

I ordered a turkey slider, a roast beef slider and this steak sandwich they had on special.
Everything looked so good that I couldn't decide.
Turned out that the roast beef slider was my favorite.

My handsome Honey!

The sun was setting as we were driving home and it looked so pretty.

It's like all the colors of the rainbow sitting at the edge of the horizon and it looks so gorgeous but I just can't seem to capture it in a picture.

You an almost see it in this one.
We got home around 8 and unloaded the truck - that took a bit.
After we got everything put away, I didn't much feel like doing anything else so we sat and watched a show.
My Honey put on The Christmas Chronicles.
It really is a good show.

I want to get Baby F an advent calendar so I was looking online to see what I could find.

I kind of like this one but it's still not exactly what I want.

This is so true.
We always had all of these things at our house over the holiday season - chicken bones are so delicious!

My fitbit died so it looks like I did nothing today ( I did though).
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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