Monday 23 December 2019

Some Family Time (Dec.14, 2019)

We were up early, had breakfast, made one last stop at Costco for ribbon to make wreaths then we were on our way home.
I was planning on making happy camper signs for the girls for our Christmas gift exchange but just in case they didn't work out, I last minute decided to make them wreaths.
I worked on them on the drive home and was able to get two done.

We stopped at the garden center in Barrhead on the way through to check out the Christmas craft market they had going on.
It was a cute market, we didn't end up buying anything though.
They did have these wooden flowers on the side of the building that I'm not sure were for sale but I did really like them.

On the drive home, my son called me to tell me that his truck had been stolen.
My brother (who lives with them), left for work at 5:30 and the truck was there, then when my son went out to warm it up at 7 am, it was gone.
It's so terrible the amount of theft that has been going on around here lately.
People work hard for things then other people just come along and take them.
It's awful.

He went out and got the loan for this truck all by himself and paid it off in half the time he had to do so.
I was so proud of him for doing that and he really loved his truck
It makes me so mad that someone would just come take it - they'll likely never be caught and if they are, nothing will happen to them anyway.

He had the cops over and called his insurance but that's about all they can do for now.

When we got to the house, we unpacked everything into the house, got it all put away then I had a nice long bath.

I invited my family over to play games and decorate cookies and they showed up around supper time.

We got the kitties some Christmas hats but I don't think they really appreciated them.
Bless Miss A for being brave enough to hold this on Professor Snuggles for the photo shoot.

Baby F was busy, busy, busy.

We didn't have a supper, I just put out lots of snacks to munch on.

Then I got out the icing and sprinkles and the kids got busy.
I think Miss Z has an equal amount of sprinkles on the table and the cookie.

Mr H was very serious about his work.

My brother asked us Christmas trivia games while the kiddos worked.

Miss A is like a professional cookie decorator over there.

The finished product.

He's very proud of his work.

The finished cookies.

This little munchkin just wants to jump all over the furniture.

And her doting Grandpa J makes it happen.

What a handsome little guy he is - I love him so.

Found the best toy ever, an empty cardboard box.

She got in and My Honey pushed her back and forth, up and down the hallway.

Then he remembered the inflatable toboggan that he picked up for her.

She loved it.
It has a back to it and she just tucked herself right in there and relaxed.

Come on Papa J, get this thing going!

Time for snacks.

I hear ya girl, that's how happy snacks make me feel too!

Showing off his skills with the balancing bird.

The kids love it - I think it's pretty cool too - not sure exactly how it works.

While the kiddos were playing, us adults were still answering trivia questions.
It's a family favorite past time.

Back to the box.

Miss flash here is so fast we can't get a picture of her that isn't blurry.

I got this MerryOke microphone years ago and it's still a big hit.
The kids sing into it and it distorts their voice so they sound high pitched like an elf might sound.

Time to go.

She kept yelling "Da" because he wasn't getting ready to go fast enough for her liking.

Now to relax and clean up after the whirlwind went through.

Miss H posted these pics of Baby F at one of the FCSS kids programs this morning.

It's so cute, she's holding her little friend's arm.

She's still holding her arm.
These two are only a few weeks apart and I think a sweet friendship is forming already.

I saw this on Facebook and thought it was a lovely idea.
It's a pair of glasses that belonged to someone who passed away.
Their family took them and made them into a snowman to hang on their tree, a beautiful, decorative memento.

I think the answer would be an emphatic 'no' every single time!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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