Sunday 8 December 2019

Off to Fort St John (Nov.27, 2019)

I was back to the office briefly today.

I weighed in, I was super happy to see the 250's!

I worked until 10 am then My Honey & I hit the road for Fort St John.
I have to do some training up there again and since My Honey is on days off, he came with me for the trip.

I was happy that he could come and we could spend the time together.
Also, a bonus was that he drove and I got to really take in the scenery.
There were some beautiful vista's along the way.

We stopped for a bathroom break and to gas up and the gas station had some Root Beer brands we'd not seen before so we got a couple to try.

They were just like regular root beer, good, but knock your socks off delicious like the ones we had in San Diego.

FSJ is about a 5.5 hour drive from our place so a long drive but luckily the roads were pretty clear.

I had no idea that the highway to Alaska began here in Dawson Creek.
The actually have a mile 0 marker.

Just a random statue.

I'm glad we left early enough to be able to see some of these views as we were arriving to FSJ.
We got there right around 7 pm.
We checked into our hotel then went out for some supper.

We decided on Audielicious.
I'd eaten there last trip and it was pretty good.

We ordered some pot stickers.
They make them from scratch but I wasn't crazy about them.

My Honey had the lobster ravioli.

I had a shrimp salad - it was different, good though.

Afterwards, we went shopping.
I saw this in the bin at Walmart and wanted to remind myself to look for it on Netflix.

When My Honey was packing up his laptop, he found his in the bag.
It's bracelets I picked up for Miss H and Baby F in Santa Fe.
I thought I'd lost them!

Ha ha.
I saw this meme before but it still makes me laugh.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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