Saturday 21 December 2019

Sugar Cookie Decorating Attempt One! (Dec.10, 2019)

Sooooo, my eating well totally went out the window today.

There were homemade nuts & bolts there at coffee break and I just couldn't resist!
It continued on from there with sweets (that I brought in) and chocolates (we got our first dropped off at the office today).

I'm going to try to rein it in over Christmas but if I'm not perfect, I'm not going to beat myself up over it.
I had a day full of meetings again today.

They are making changes to our payroll system so we had a two hour long meeting about that this afternoon.
It's mainly in how it looks, not so much in how it functions so it's not so bad.

After work, I got busy right away rolling out the cookie dough I made on Sunday and cutting out cookies.

I baked them then I made a batch of royal icing.

This is the recipe I used.

I separated it out into different bowls so I could color it.
What a messy endeavor that was!

I got it all done though and then into bags so I could try my hand at decorating.
They make it look so easy on all of the cookie challenge shows I watch.
It's not!

I just used baggies that I cut the tips off of but it was coming out too thick.
I made it too thick too and by this time I didn't really care about trying the flooding technique.

These are a couple of my first tries.
Not the best but I'll try again another time.

I was just over it for today so I put everything away.

I saved the icing and I figure I'll pull it all out on Saturday and let the kids go at it.
I invited my family all over on Saturday just so we could spend time together.

I still do want to try the cookie decorating but I think I'll pick up actual icing bags, a teeny tiny tip and I'll start practicing with one color at first.

I cooked up hamburger, added bean sprouts and cole slaw mix for supper.
I added some spices and I was a bit heavy handed with something spicy, cayenne I think.
It was almost too spicy to eat which
 was a bummer.
My Honey loved it though, it was just perfect for him.

I ordered the baby an advent calendar.
It looks just like the one I made for my son when he was young.
I want to put her name on it then I'll take it over to her.

Our annual Christmas lunch and gift exchange at the office is tomorrow so I got my gift wrapped up in preparation.

I picked up the ingredients today for perogys and My Honey is off tomorrow so he's going to cook them up for me.

We always order fried chicken from the store for our lunch then everything else is pot luck.

We watched another cookie challenge before calling it a night.

This memory popped up of my sweet baby girl and her first visit with Santa last year.

I found a bunch of ideas of things to make with crates that I just had to share.

This is a really cute idea.

I also like this floating night stand.

I've thought before of using them on the wall like this to display things but I never thought of putting patterned paper in the backs, I really like how that looks.

Another great idea, I like the colors on this one too.

This would be a good idea for a room that doesn't have a closet, I think I would make a curtain to cover it though.

Not sure if this would make a good headboard, I foresee lots of head whacking, but it would be a great idea in another spot.

Another cute bookshelf.

They would make an awesome coffee table too.

Another version of a night stand.

And another version of a shelf.
I really like this one, tall and skinny so it could fit into lots of places.

I like the rolling storage with the cushioned top so it could be used as extra seating too.

It would make a great toy box.

I liked the painting on this one.

Pull out storage - I like the pattern on the crate instead of just paint.

I am always looking for a new way to store shoes, this might be a contender.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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