Tuesday 3 December 2019

City With My Mama! (Nov.24, 2019)

I got up super early again today, I really like getting up early, it feels like I have a much longer day.
I made a coffee then found a Christmas movie to watch.
Christmas at Graceland: Home for the Holidays is what I decided on.
I didn't think the chemistry between these two (pictured above) was very good.
They just didn't seem to go together at all.
The movie was ok - It did fan the flames of my desire to go to Nashville, Memphis and Graceland.

After the movie, I got to work sewing up the latest batch of Christmas trees that I had cut out.

I was having so much trouble with my sewing machine, the thread was constantly ripping and I'd have to rethread.
Then the stitches weren't looking right, it would skip over sections.
It was driving me crazy!!
I kept trying to adjust things but nothing seemed to work until finally I noticed that the needle was much lower than it should have been.
It had dropped out of it's housing and after I pushed it back up and in, it was smooth sailing.
It took me a couple hours but I got them all done.

I also had to perform surgery on this paper & felt bear that I made years ago as he lost an eye somewhere along the way.

That's my signature on the back there and 7-H for 7 Harris which was my homeroom class in grade 7.
That was 35 years ago that I made this bear - amazing that he only lost an eye up until now.
After I finished up sewing, I packed up and Mom & I hit the road around 2:30.
I have a conference in the city tomorrow and the next day and it's right at the West Edmonton Mall.
So Mom is going to come with me and shop the mall during the day while I'm at the conference.
At work, My Honey was cooking up shrimp for the bbq at work today.
Boy those guys sure eat well when he is on shift.

We stopped at Costco when we got to St. Albert and picked up socks.

and more socks.
Everyone loves getting new socks in our family so we had a cart full.
We shopped for the rest of the afternoon and mom got lots of her Christmas shopping done, I got a few things too.

Then mom and I went for supper.
We found a burrito bowl place that turned out to be 'meat free' but we didn't care, we tried it anyway.

I had the beef fiesta bowl and it was actually really good.
The 'meat' tasted ok mixed together with everything but it wouldn't hold up on it's own.
I got us tickets to the movie.
I love that you can buy them right on line and pick out your seats and everything.
The St Albert theatre has the recliner seats and they are so roomy and comfortable.
I always try to see movies there if I can.
We saw 'Last Christmas'.
At first I thought the characters were a bit much but in the end, I really liked it.
It had an unexpected twist.
After the movie, we headed to the FantasyLand Hotel at WEM to check in.
There was a mix up with my reservation, they had me coming in yesterday so I was considered a no show and they had charged me for the night.
I was upset because when I made the reservation, I had to correct the dates several times with the lady that took my reservation and so I was sure to verify that she had the correct dates and she did.
So to arrive there and find out that they ended up still booking me the wrong dates after all was super annoying.
Plus it was late and I was feeling frazzled about the whole situation.
The hotel clerk was awesome though, she talked to her manager and got everything sorted so it all got fixed up in the end.

My sister got her place all decorated for Christmas today.

Her village sure is growing, I like where she has it on the table behind the couch.

Guess the boys are tuckered out after all that decorating.

Kitty found a fun place to hang out.
When you are a kitty or a kid, boxes are just the best!

The cat meme that's been blowing up lately.
This version made me giggle.

The photographer from Light Up the other night posted some of the pictures he took.
Here are Miss A and Mr H.

Baby F trying to get away.

Miss Z looks like she's rolling her eyes at the fellow in the big red suit.
That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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