Wednesday 4 December 2019

Conference at WEM (Nov.25, 2019)

The conference was starting at 8 am but they had breakfast first so I was on my way down there by just after 7.

You can see down into the mall and it looks so eerie when there is nobody around.

There are tons of conference rooms back in here which I never would have know existed if I hadn't had to come here.

We have ours in the same room each year so it's always easy to find.

They had lots of options for breakfast.
I choose fruit, eggs and bacon.
I loaded up on the bacon - they will have sausage tomorrow so I want to get my fill today.

Lunch was salads and sandwiches.

They also had soup which was pretty good.

The conference rooms are quite nice and roomy in here.
The day went by pretty quickly.
I always find the discussions interesting.
They have the regulatory boards from Alberta, Saskatchewan and BC do presentations.
Then they discuss equipment we have and equipment we might want to buy going forward.
I've been going for so many years and so have a lot of other folks so it's nice to see them and catch up.
After our meetings, they always have a little get together with food and Santa comes too.
I went to get mom to see if she wanted to come but she was too tired.
So I went back and visited for a bit then I headed out to the mall to do a bit of shopping.
I returned something for mom then I mainly just looked for boots.

I found these at Marks and they are kind of what I'm looking for but they are kind of expensive so I'm going to keep looking.

I found a few cute things for the girls for a great deal.
I find the clothing stores have the best deals for Black Friday (the sales are starting already even though it's only this coming Friday).

I found this for my niece but she didn't like it.
It was only 2.50 though so I got it anyway and I'll give it to Miss A or Miss H.
I wasn't really into shopping so I went and picked up supper for mom & I and headed back to our room

Mom was all curled up watching a Christmas movie.
I brought her Chinese food and she was happy with that.

I got myself a Geek platter - it was delicious.

My Honey brought home one of those big spools today.

He said he took out the three rods in it and it just came apart like nothing.
It's nice wood too - I'm sure we will find something creative to do with it.
I had put out my Christmas mat when I was decorating for Christmas.

Apparently the kitties didn't like where I had it because My Honey said they kept moving it.
My niece got herself this awesome Christmas mailbox.
I love it.

Miss H posted this picture of herself today - she is a such a beauty, inside and out.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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