Wednesday 2 May 2018

New York Trip 2018 Day One (April 18, 2018)

We arrived in Toronto and the line up for customs was huge!
We got through it though then back through security and we had a little time to get some breakfast before our next leg of the trip.

Looking a little tired due to lack of sleep but excited.

Caught him pre-smile again - believe me, he was super happy!

I wasn't very hungry so just had some toast for breakfast.

We ate then we found our gate and waited to board.

It was a lovely morning here in Toronto.

Not a bit of snow to be found - so unlike what we left back in Edmonton.

We love flying with WestJet - they are friendly and helpful, we have never had a bad experience.

My Honey treated us to the Plus Seats again.
They are so much more comfortable, worth the little bit extra if you ask me!

I thought it was so cool that you could see the shadow of our airplane so clearly on the ground there.

Just a few aerial shots of New York as we were making our descent.

There are a ton of houses down there!

There it is, the famous Manhattan sky line.

Coming in for landing at LaGuardia!
We have been staying in Queens lately so this is the best airport to fly into for us, it is the closest and it takes no time to get to our hotels from here.

We made it!

We got a cab to the hotel, we were hoping that we might be able to check in early but there were no rooms ready so we just dropped off our luggage and headed out.

The very first thing we did was buy a Subway pass and head over to Prince St Pizza.

There was a little bit of line up,

but it wasn't too bad, we didn't have to wait long at all.

The owner was there working in the back - we've seen him interviewed on several shows.

The Spicy Spring Square - OMG it is so delicious.

Thicker crust than you would think for NY pizza but it is just so good.

We have been thinking about having a slice of this pizza for weeks now so it was great to finally be there enjoying a slice.

My Honey has a great eye for interesting things.

There was a little bakery across the street that boasted of having the best chocolate cake so we had to check it out.

I loved the décor - such a cute place.

I love the shelf and the little lights, they were just red bulbs but they looked great.

They had lots of goodies to choose from.

We had to try the chocolate cake so we got that

I picked the Coconut cloud cake to try - also could have been moister and denser but the coconut filling was delicious.

The winner for me was the pistachio pudding.

It is similar to the banana pudding at Magnolia bakery - so soft and creamy, the cookies are melt in your mouth and it is not overly sweet, just perfect.

Excited about trying "the best chocolate cake in the US" - Spoiler alert - not the best chocolate cake in my opinion, I prefer dense, moist cake and it wasn't like that at all but it was good.

It's always a good day to have cake!

We left there and it was still early so we wandered around a bit.

We passed by this pizza place we wanted to try.
We were too full at this point to eat but we filed the location away in our minds so we could come back later on in our trip.

What a great mural.

Love the door.


Ha ha - love clever signs.

My Honey notices all of the stuff.

Now that he did the fireplace with brick, My Honey has taken a big interest in brick works.

We came across this little place that sells nothing but rice pudding.

There were all these great sayings around the shop.

See?  Signs everywhere.

These were some of my favorites.

Words of wisdom for sure.

Ha ha, this is about how my before and after diet pictures look right now.

We were busy walking around reading them all but there were just too many.

There were so many flavors to choose from.

They had clever names too.

I wanted the mascarpone but it had cherries in it so that turned me off.

There was even a bit of a line up.

We ended up getting two kinds, coconut and cheesecake.
We were still full so we got it in this handy take out container and ate it later on at the hotel.

They told us they would have a room at the hotel for us at 3 so we figured if we headed back to the hotel now we should get there right around 3.

There was some cool art on the subway tiles that I hadn't seen before.

There was a room ready for us when we got back to the hotel so we checked in then had a bit of a nap.
Then we freshened up and headed back out for some supper and our show.

The Queensboro Plaza stop was right next to our hotel so that was super convenient.

We took the subway to 42nd and came out right be Schnippers so figured it was providence and went there for supper.

They make the absolute best salted caramel milkshakes.

We've been coming for years now and it still looks exactly the same in there.

My Honey was exicted about the milkshake.

He got the fish sandwich and I got sloppy fries and a sloppy joe which is what they are known for.
It was tasty but I couldn't finish because I was still feeling kind of full.

Then we had just enough time to get over to the Shubert Theatre

Bernadette Peters was starring in it so I was super stoked to see her.

I can't get over how beautiful these theatres are inside.

We had pretty good seats, front row of the mezzanine.

Just look at all the detailed work on the walls.

I have quite the collection of these babies now.

Waiting for the show to start.

Having a break from sitting at intermission.

We headed straight back to the hotel after the show and stopped at a little corner store by the hotel for waters and I couldn't resist this croissant.

Our room wasn't fancy but it was a good size and it was clean.

The best thing about the hotel was the location.

We shared our rice pudding - the cheesecake kind was fab - then it was off to dreamland for us.
No tossing and turning for me, I was out like a light as soon as my head hit the pillow.

Back home, Miss H was celebrating her mom's birthday and posted this sweet picture.
Happy birthday CP!

This made me giggle.

Ended up making it over the 10,000 step mark - go me!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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