Monday 14 May 2018

New York Trip 2018 Day Five (April 22, 2018)

We got a super late start today.
We didn't really have an agenda or even an idea of what we wanted to do today so I was happy to lounge in the hotel room a little this morning and I was able to watch a couple of episodes of Fixer Upper.

When we finally did leave the room it was 1:00pm!

My Honey found a bagel place that was near out hotel.

We got a little turned around looking for it but at least we saw some cool art on our walk.

Not sure how pin up girls and Long Island City mix?
I like it though.

Good advice that not enough people follow.

When we eventually found it, it was much closer to our hotel than we originally thought but we weren't very impressed so we hopped on the Subway and went back to Broadway Street and the first bagel place we had tried there.

I am still in awe of all the cream cheese flavors they have to choose from.

and they have tons of bagel flavors too.
It's awesome.
My Honey got the Whitefish bagel again and we got it to go because we decided we wanted to try out this chicken place we'd been passing that looked good.
(The bagel was back up in case the chicken wasn't good).

Caravan Chicken.
It was right next door to the bagel place and it smelled so delicious every time we walked by.

We ordered first then found an empty table to sit at.

Excited about trying the chicken here finally!

My Honey ordered the half chicken plate and it came with pork rice and a salad.
The rice was fantastic.

I thought I'd give the ribs ago and felt like having french fries with mine.
The ribs weren't that good and neither were the fries.
Oh well, you win some you lose some.

They did have this green sauce though that was on point!
It was almost like liquid cole slaw or something.
It just added a great flavor to everything and we just about went through a whole bottle!

We left there and headed over to Lincoln Center where they have opened a TKTS booth since we were last here.

It was right around 3 pm when we got there and there wasn't very much up on the board to choose from for tonight.
We realized then that most shows do matinees on Sundays, not evening shows and we didn't have time to make it to any of them.
The fellow working there told us SpongeBob Squarepants was good (he'd seen it three times) but I was a little skeptical and frankly uninterested in seeing it so we figured we'd just go to a movie.

As we were walking away, we overheard another lady talking to him and thanking him for suggesting it to her.  She said she'd seen it the evening before and was pleasantly surprised at how entertaining it was.

So we reconsidered.
We can go to a movie any old time but we can't always go to a broadway show so we figured why not and went back and got ourselves tickets for tonight.

It was a gorgeous day out so we kind of sauntered over to Central Park to hang out.

Lots of other folks had the same idea as us.

A tour guide told us once that Kelly Ripa and her family live in one of these buildings.
Every time I pass by them I wonder if it is true.

I still think the park against the big tall buildings looks so neat.

Just loving the sunshine.

The park was just littered with people.

I got an iced coffee then we pulled up a brick wall and dug out our whitefish bagel to munch on.
There was a guy playing a keyboard and singing so we sat and listened to him for a bit.
He was pretty good.

People, people everywhere.

My Honey & I

Look at all the leaves on the trees already!

We found a Brooklyn Flea Market that was supposed to be going on today so we looked up the directions.
The internet was being SUPER SLOW and it was super frustrating.
We just hopped on a subway and headed in the direction we thought it might be.

OK sure!

We did eventually find the directions and got the GPS working but we walked around all over and could not find any flea market going on at the address.
We did pass by some neat stuff as usual.

This is where the GPS brought us so we figured it likely happens in the empty field there.

We had no luck finding it anyway.

It was a nice little area though so we just walked around and took it all in.

We found a park so sat for a bit.

There were tons of people out here too just enjoying the day.

Big game of soccer going on 

What a great view for a soccer game.

Saw some cute kiddos out on their little scooters.

After a bit, we moved on and started exploring some more.
There are always things to see.

I never want to lose my sense of Adventure!

ha ha ha - my ex was a big Ultimate Warrior fan and I used to pretend to be as well.
I have realized how foolish that was for me to pretend to be interested in something that not only was I not interested in, but I actually disliked.
Good life lesson.

Check out the Mork from Ork pillow.
Wonder how good of a seller that was back in the day?


What kind of times do we live in where a man can say this and then become president?

Eventually we came across a pizza joint so we decided to have a bite.

Selfie Time.

We ordered the calamari.
When we see it includes the tentacle pieces, it is normally a good sign but not in this case.

We tried a pizza too, it was just ok.
My belly was bothering me so I couldn't really eat much anyway.

When we finished eating we hopped back on the subway and headed over to Manhattan for our show.

The show started at 6:30 and we made it with minutes to spare.

We had great seats, right up front in the second row.

I loved how they had it done up in there.

It was almost like being under the sea.

They had all this SpongeBob merchandise on display - my son used to love the show and even had a few Sponge Bob items (like a housecoat I still have) but I never really watched it so I didn't know what to expect.

I quickly checked into our flight for tomorrow during intermission.
Then we checked out the Spongebob paraphernalia.

The show ended up being very entertaining.
I liked how they did the costumes, they didn't just stick the characters in these big bulky costumes that looked like the characters but they dressed them to look like them if that makes any sense?
They did this tap dance number that I really enjoyed.

Kids all around us were laughing out loud and having a great time.
You could tell everyone was really enjoying it (except the couple next to us who got up at intermission and left).
It wasn't a great triumph of a show or anything but it was very entertaining and I am glad we went.
I still have confetti in my purse from the end of the show when it came raining down on everyone in the theater.
Maybe it's corny but I just love being in the middle of it when they do that.
It happened at the end of Blue Man Group too and it was awesome.

This is about the longest we spent in Times Square this trip.

It still amazes me every time I see it, truth be told.

Times Square Selfie - just because.

We hopped on the subway and headed back to the hotel.
My belly was feeling a bit better so we decided to check out the Indian Place near the hotel.
Five Start Indian Cuisine.
We stopped at the hotel for directions then walked over there.
It was a beautiful night.

They brought us this plate of veggies and dips to go with our food.

I ordered the Chicken Byriani - it was delicious but so spicy hot that I couldn't eat very much of it.

Lamb curry - I am not crazy about curries unless they are sweet but My Honey enjoyed it.

Tandori chicken - it was yummy.

We had a feast.

My favorite was the Naan bread, it was delicious!
The guy that was working there and serving us looked miserable - poor guy.

Walking back to the hotel we passed this building - the artwork on it was amazing.

I couldn't get the whole building in one shot so this is the other end of it.

Super impressive.

I am amazed at how talented people are - and to do it on this big of a scale - Remarkable.

A few more tree pictures just because.

Back to the hotel for our last night.

My handy dandy subway map.

I always get a new one at the beginning of every trip and it goes every where with us.
By the time we leave it is looking pretty beat up.

My ankles are swollen.

My left foot more so than my right.

Not as bad as it gets sometimes though.
We don't fly out until 6:30 tomorrow night so we have time to do a bit of exploring tomorrow.

Not too shabby!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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