Saturday 26 May 2018

Sunshine Makes the World a Brighter Place, Literally! (May 15, 2018)

I was on plan all week on weight watchers so I figured it would show up on the scale this morning and it did.

I was in the mood for peanut butter toast this morning so I made some when I got to work and it totally hit the spot.

It was a gorgeous day out today so I managed to get out for a walk to the end of our lane.

It was nice to get some fresh air.

Sunshine on my shoulder makes me happy!

Even though there is still lots of brown, it won't be long until it all turns green and I am excited for that.

Lunch was a chicken breast and left over salads from yesterday.
I have been uploading pictures non stop on the blog and trying to get caught up before we head out tomorrow so I spent my whole lunch hour on the computer.

Then it was back to the office for more time on the computer only this time doing work stuff.

I rocked out to some great tunes this afternoon at my desk.

I guess one of the admins in GP put in her notice so I had to make arrangements to go up there and do some training.
I will do that when I get back.
It is nice that I get to do a bit of travelling around Alberta for my job.
It is a beautiful province.

The dresser that I ordered from Amazon still has not arrived.
I called UPS because the tracking number shows that it has been sitting in Edmonton since May 1.
We are only about two hours away from Edmonton so there is no way it should be taking this long to get here.
They assured me it would arrive this afternoon but when the UPS guys showed up, still no dresser.
I went out and spoke to them, (they aren't actually UPS, they are just a sub contractor) and I gave them my tracking number so they are going to check at the warehouse for my dresser and hopefully it will be here tomorrow).

After work I got straight back at it with the blogging - which truth be told, it's turned into more of a journal than a blog but I am ok with that.
Even if My Honey & I are the only one that reads this, it will be great when we are old and grey to sit back and read this and be reminded of all the little things that made up our days.

Our house is becoming a bit of the neighbourhood hang out for cats.
My Honey says we'll have to stop feeding them even though he is the only one that does any feeding.
He won't stop either, he is too soft hearted and he loves those kitties.
I think our kitties enjoy having the friends anyway.

When he got home from work we went out for supper, but first we checked in for our flight tomorrow.
We don't usually do that in town here but neither of us felt like cooking and nothing at the store really appealed to us.

He had the special hot pot that he always gets.

It's one of his favorite dishes and he is so excited to be having it again!

I had chicken fingers and fries.

My SIL was working so we chatted with her for a bit.

Ipad brought a friend over with him when he came to visit.

She was interested in what was going on in our place.
Surprisingly, Paddington didn't seem to be that interested in her.

It was late when we got home and I had plans on going in to work early tomorrow so I could leave early so I wanted to get to bed at a decent hour.

I did a bit more blogging though and packed so tomorrow when I get off we can head straight out.

I am so excited!!!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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