Saturday 26 May 2018

Bubble Day (May 11, 2018)

Normal busy day at work.

Pancakes and eggs for lunch again.

Watched Grey's Anatomy after work.
I was so concerned that they were writing the April Kepner character out of the show then she ended up "coming back to life" at the end and I was so happy because I just love her.

Then I saw some pictures she posted on Instagram (yes I follow her, I like her that much) and it said something about her filming her last scenes with these folks.

So I researched and discovered to my dismay that she has been written out of the show.
What a terrible turn of events.
If it wasn't for Jo and Alex, I probably wouldn't even bother to watch anymore.
Apparently Ellen Pompeo got a huge raise to continue on as Meredith Grey and it's not that I don't like that character but honestly if she was written out of the show it wouldn't bother me all that much.


Just as the show was ending, my brother called to see if I could watch the kiddos while he and my SIL went out for supper.
Of course I said I would.
They dropped Mr. H off and Miss A was at a brownie event that I had to go down and pick her up from later.

Mr H found some cookies as soon as he arrived.

My boy and his honey dropped by a little later.
I was giving her my hope chest and they hung out and visited for a while until My Honey got home to help my son carry it to his truck.

Mr H can help, he's got the biggest muscles around.

I ended up getting a call that I had to pick Miss A up a little earlier so I ran down and got her.

Mom really enjoys it when everyone comes over to visit.

Not sure if she enjoys my constant picture taking, ha ha!

A boy, his Nanny and his Auntie A!

It was gorgeous out so I got our lawn chairs out and put the cushions on them so we could enjoy it a bit.

When we were at the in-laws last weekend, my MIL gave us some bug nets and the poles we'd bought to make giant bubbles so My Honey got those out for the kids.

He whipped up some bubble mixture - just for future reference because it took us a bit to remember the ingredients - water, dawn dish detergent and baking soda is a great formula for bubble making.

We learned it from a guy at Central Park a few years back.  He had a couple of buckets of bubble solution and several sets of poles and strings and he was letting any one who wanted to have a go at making giant bubbles.

I don't care what anyone says, you are never too old to make bubbles!

Or chase after them and break them.

Mr H is a pro at that.

My boy is getting pretty good at it.

Miss A giving it a go.


Once you start, you can't stop.

Now she's got the hang of it.

We are a bunch of bubble making experts now!

It is a little difficult at first and our poles were definitely too long for Mr H but everyone else got the hang of it.

Miss H giving it a try.

She got the hang of it pretty quickly.

Bubbles, bubbles everywhere.

It can be a little addicting trying to make the biggest and the best bubbles.
You just keep saying one more and before you know it an hour of bubble making has gone by.

It was a lot of fun and even though Mr H couldn't make the bubbles himself, he did have a great time bursting them.

I love the look of pure joy on his face.

We finally convinced the kiddos that bubble making time was over by bribing them with ice cream.

Thank goodness I found a few Fudgesticks in the freezer.

They wanted more and I didn't have any so we made smoothies together instead.
The kids ended up not liking them though so My Honey & I took one for the team and finished them off.

It was 9 pm by that time and we still hadn't eaten any supper.

I did have a greek salad ready to go minus the dressing so I got My Honey to work on that and I warmed us up a couple of chicken breasts.

Just as we finished eating, my brother showed up to pick the kids up.

After they left, we watched the episode of Big Bang Theory with Sheldon & Amy's wedding.
I think they did a great job with it.
I still enjoy this show just as much as when I first started watching it if not more.

I started watching one of those shows house hunter shows where they were buying property in a tropical location.

My Honey went on to bed and I said I would be in directly when the show was over but ended up getting sucked into 3 more episodes.
I even started watching a 4th but thank goodness for PVR.
I convinced myself to go to bed by recording the rest of the show for myself to watch in the morning.

I did have plans to head to the city tomorrow with mom but we've since decided to just go as far as WCT so I am glad I have a shorter drive to look forward to tomorrow.

This memory showed up on Facebook and it reminded me that fiddlehead season is upon us.
I just love them so will have to keep my eye out for them so I can have a feed or two.

That is all for tonight, until next time, be happy!

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