Wednesday 16 May 2018

Just Dance (May 4, 2018)

We were up early as I didn't want to be late for Miss A's dance recital at 10:30.

We stopped at Timmie's for breakfast, I had a bacon & egg breakfast biscuit and

a chocolate chip iced cappuccino. (I knew those things were going to be dangerous).

We stopped at a store so I could pick up some flowers for Miss A then we headed over to the dance recital.
She was in the jazz duos/trios section.
We found my SIL and sat with her for the show.

You aren't allowed to take pictures or videos but I snuck a few.

Miss A's routine was cute.
She danced with my friend SV's grand-daughter and they were the first group in their section.

There were a couple little girls that danced to Singing in the Rain and they had yellow raincoat costumes and umbrellas, I enjoyed their dance.

Another duet were all dressed in black with a single black line on their faces.  They were older girls (around 15 or so) and their piece was a little bit darker but they did a really great job.

At the end of the groups, the judge came up to give the medals and critics.
She asked Miss A if it was her first recital and she piped right up and said no, this was her fourth.
It was cute.

Great job girls!

The dance group had a photographer taking pictures of all the dancers so I had to snap one of this pose too.

With her flowers.
Ok - dance competition over, lets go!

Afterwards, we took my SIL and Miss A for lunch to East Side Mario's.

I was craving their calamari which I remembered as being so good but it turned out to not be as good as I remembered.

We also got fried pizza dough for an appetizer - it was good.
Miss A got a fancy drink, I think she enjoyed that.

My meal came with a salad so I got the Caesar and it was huge - it was really good too.

I was in the mood for pasta and got spinach & ricotta ravioli with pesto sauce.
It was just ok.

My Honey got a shrimp pasta dish.

He thought it was just ok.

After lunch we parted ways and we headed to the bank.
I needed to get a US money order to pay for our private tour of Roloff Farms.
We didn't end up making it to a post office so I will have to mail it out first thing Monday morning.

We made a stop at the Italian Market and I got us a few treats.

These were on sale for .50 cents so I got a couple - I should have gotten more because it was yummy.

I just had to try this poppy seed pinwheel and it was so good.
I am already looking forward to the next time we go so I can have another.

I picked up a date square for mom too - she loves them.

We stopped at a few more places so I could continue to look for stuff for mom.

I found a pair of sandals, another top and a pink cardigan and a purse.

Then we headed to One Man's Treasure in Stony Plain to make sure we caught it before it closed.
We were picking up a cabinet that BH had purchased last week when we were there.  A table Miss NC/T wanted was interested in was still there so we picked that up for her.

I found another window pane too that I really liked.
(I am acquiring quite the collection).

This one is green and has some interesting details so I was happy about that.
I also got a little yellow bird for the baby's room.
She wants to do it in yellows with trees so I figured it would fit.

We left there and headed back to Home Depot in Spruce Grove.
We needed to get transition pieces for the doorways.
They were around 30 - 40 bucks for a piece and we needed 4 of them.

We lucked out because we found ones that were on clearance for $20 and the color matched what we were looking for.  Also, there were exactly four of them left so it was our lucky day.

We made a quick stop at Walmart so I could grab a coffee maker for my son's whose crapped out on him this morning.

Then we headed for home.

We stopped at MoJo's Diner for supper.
They had fish and chips on special so we got that and a hamburger steak meal.

The fish & chips was so good.

Everything is home made there and you can really tell - it was all really good.

The special came with a chocolate mousse for dessert so we had that and a piece of strawberry rhubarb pie as well.

The pie crust was a bit doughy but still really good.


We ended up getting home around 9:15.
I just love this time of year when it stays light out so late.
*Hadn't heard this song in years so this was a reminder for me to download it when I got home, which I did!

I did notice that there were still some snow covered spots on the side of the road.

 We stopped at Miss BH's to drop off her cabinet then we went home to unload.
That is always the thing I least look forward to after a trip to the city.

We watched an episode of Game of Thrones before hitting the hay.

My Honey told me about this thing online where you could check in to see if you survived Thanos's destruction.
My Honey & I were both spared!

Paddington just loves my fake plants, he even tries to eat them.
Little bugger.
But how can I get mad when he is just so darn cute.
I think I'm going to get this one framed and up on the wall!

I found some flowers today at Michael's to put around the birdhouse instead of inside it.
I also picked up some battery operated LED lights to wrap around it and I am happy with how it turned out.
A few photos from Miss A's dance competition 2 years ago popped up today, how timely!

She was so proud of her medal.

I thought Mr H looked so dapper with his little tie.

She is just growing up so fast, she still had a bit of a baby face here.

I love this!

ha ha ha - I do become pretty protective over my blankets!

Funny but truthful too.

First time in a bit I saw that Step Total turn green!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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