Saturday 26 May 2018

Pedi Day (May 14, 2018)

Back to the grind today.
Same old, same old at work today.
I weighed in first thing this morning.

254.85 lbs
I have one week of following WW to plan under my belt.
It works when I follow it and it isn't that hard, just need to keep plugging away at it.

For lunch I made myself a sandwich and had some leftover salads.
I worked on my blog - I've let myself get way behind again which always happens after a vacation.
We are going away again here right away and I want to be as caught up as possible before we go.

After work, I picked up mom and we headed to WCT for our pedicure appointments.
We got there a little early so I went to Timmies for a treat.
I got myself a chocolate chip iced cappuccino and mom opted for a orange/pineapple/guava smoothie.

Time for a spruce up.

We got there right before 6 pm which was our appointment time and they took mom fairly quickly but I sat there until almost 7 pm before they got started on me.
I was kind of annoyed but not at the girl that did mine, I know it isn't her fault that they booked the appointments so close together.


I love the color that I choose this time.
Anyway, I finally got done and we headed over to Walmart so mom could pick up a present for Mr H.
His birthday is on May 23 but they are having his party this week because his grandpa is going to be in town.
That means My Honey and I will miss it but we'll have a little get together when we get back.
My Honey's birthday is coming up too so we will combine them.

I called my SIL to see what we could get and she suggested a Paw Patrol scooter she'd been looking at.
We didn't fiddle around at all, we just went straight down to the toy department, found the scooter and bought it.

We stopped at McDonalds for some supper - I wanted something quick because I wanted to get back on the road and head home.
I got two hamburgers with ketchup and onions which is my favorite thing there and a small fries with hot mustard sauce to dip them in.
Mom had a couple wraps.
We just went through the drive-thru and I ate on the road.

It was 9:30 when we got home which was later than expected but still not too bad.

My hand is raised so high right now!!!

Once home, I pretty much headed straight to bed.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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