Tuesday 15 May 2018

Administrative Professional Day! (April 25, 2018)

So it was back to the grind today for a full day of work.

I weighed in to assess the damage from New York.
259.8 lbs.
That's up almost 9 lbs - ouch!

My plan was to get right back on plan with Weight Watchers today and then this arrived at the office.

A candy gram for Administrative Professional Day!

It was for all four of us girls at the office.
I was sitting out front working today because of my computer issues so I was out there when it arrived.
The others came out and we each picked a chocolate bar.
I could have saved it for later or eaten it and stopped there but then SG told me that BL wanted to take us out for lunch.

A whole group of us went (TH joined us later) and it was really nice. 

I had decided before we got there that I would get the greek salad but I was at the end of the table so ordered last and everyone else ordered something with fries so I didn't even try to resist.
I got chicken fingers with a side of donair poutine and it was delicious.
I at least didn't eat all of it and took some home for My Honey.

Work was much the same in the afternoon.
I couldn't wait to get home and have a bath and that is exactly what I did first thing.

My son texted me to see if they could come over so I could help Miss H with her taxes so of course I said yes.

I helped her then we shopped a bit on Amazon for babies room.
She showed me a few things she wanted and I got her to save them to my cart.
There was a dresser so I think I will order it for them as a surprise.

I ate more junk - I know I didn't have to, just because I ate badly in the day I could have still salvaged the night but that just isn't the way my mind works.

I know that all or nothing mentality is very detrimental to me and it is something that I need to work on for sure.

I got caught up on a few episodes of Little People Big World that I hadn't seen yet then called it a night.
Getting up early in the morning again is tough!!!

I forgot that I had put my fitbit on the charger yesterday until just before I was heading to bed so this is not a true step count for today.
I didn't want to wait until tomorrow though because I thought I might forget it again.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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