Friday 25 May 2018

Off to see My Wonderful In-Laws (May 5, 2018)

I was up early this morning so I could shower and pack and then we were off again to Peace River to visit my in-laws.

We made sandwichs for the road with these great rolls we picked up at the Italian Market yesterday

and this delicious Mortadella.

I mean who doesn't love a fresh roll with some delicious deli meats?

It was a really nice day out, great day for a drive.
I was in the mood for country today so we rocked out to Prime Country.

After a while it was time for a switch.
I'd never heard this song before but I really liked it so I Shazamed it my way!
We stopped in Nampa at Farmers Restaurant.
It is fairly new and it was a nice looking place.

They had these really cool light fixtures that I would like to copy.

I liked these ones too but don't think they'll fit into my décor.

I really liked how they had it decorated inside - what a cute little spot.

We got drinks and a few goodies to try.

I got a mango smoothie which had mango, banana, yogurt and spinach.
It was super good.

My Honey got the Lemonatcha drink was basically like a green tea lemonade, also very good.

They we got this peanut butter chocolate square,

an oatmeal chocolate chip cookie (too dry) and a ginger molasses cookie (very good).
The sweets were good but over priced in my opinion.
The cookie was just a small cookie and it was $2.00!

We continued on our way and My Honey pulled over by a little abandoned building to have a pee and there was a dead animal dumped there.
At first he thought it was a puppy but upon closer inspection, he realized it was a little baby lamb.
Why someone would just dump it there is so strange.

We continued on to Peace River and stopped to pick up some fresh oregano for pizza.

I just love the view of Peace River as you come around this corner.
His parents are still another 45 minutes from there so by the time we made it to their place, we'd been on the road for about 5 hours.

It was nice to see them, it's been almost a year since I was last there.

We unloaded everything then got the fire started in the clay oven right away.

The clay oven is holding up amazingly.

I was off taking selfies while they worked, lol!
I really was helping too, honest!

Sam is a fairly new addition to the family.

He is such a nice dog.
He watches over my FIL like it is his job.
It certainly gives him a purpose.

My Honey brought new toys for Lily & Sam.
We weren't sure if she like it at first.

It takes awhile to get the oven going.

Sam is checking on the progress.

It's coming along.

We went to grab the peels and I noticed this door on one of their sheds.
How did I not notice this before?
It is gorgeous.
Somebody was throwing it away and they found it.

Got the peels.

My Honey made them himself - multi-talented fellow right there!

My Honey worked on the dough and we cut up meat and grated cheese for the pizza.

Then we decided to have gingerbread cake for supper and we needed whipped cream so I drove into Manning to get some.

When I got back, the oven was ready to go and the pizza making began.

Pizza number 1 is ready!

Into the oven it goes!

Still on pizza guard duty.

Doesn't this look delicious?
He ended up making 6 pizzas and that is what we had for supper.
Pizza from the pizza oven is just so good.

Adding fresh basil just takes it to another level.

We used some of that fabulous Mortadella on the pizza too.
Yum yum!

His mom whipped up a gingerbread cake too which went in the pizza oven to cook after it cooled down a bit.
It is amazing how that thing holds heat.

After the pizza, My Honey, his mom and I went for a walk to the highway.

It was a gorgeous evening out, unfortunately, the mosquitos agreed and were out in full force.
And those suckers were huge!!! Biggest mosquitos I've ever seen.

We loaded up on the bug spray before we left so they didn't bother us too much.

They have a beaver living right next door and he has been very busy!

Starting to see some buds on the trees - yay!

I love that evergreen peeking out from all the brown.

When we got back, we had the gingerbread cake - OMG - it is so delicious.
Moist, dense and spicy - just the way I like my cake.

I wish you could smell this picture, the aroma was delightful.

This is my "so excited to have gingerbread cake" face.

I had a huge piece and enjoyed every bite.

I enjoyed a nice hot cup of fennel tea.
I always have it when we go there.

Then my Honey had to give the babies some loving.

They both adore him and it's not very hard to see why.

Lily still had her new toy near by.
I think she did like it after all.

Then we showed his mom pictures from a couple of our trips.

We can get internet out there now so I browsed on my phone for a bit.

A couple of us drove to our office in Red Earth two years ago on May 5.
When we left in the morning it was a gorgeous day out.

About 20 minutes past Slave Lake about an hour and a half into our drive, the gorgeous day turned to this.
It was the freakiest storm I've ever seen the way it just whipped up so fast.

True dat!

I like the look of these and think they would be easy to make.
I sure need to get a craft area set up in the garage.


Friday is my favorite day of the week!

This is kind of true right now.
And it is likely going to get even higher for the summer driving season.

We were all tired by that point so we called it a night and headed to bed.

That is all for tonight, until next time, be happy!

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