Saturday 26 May 2018

Happy Mama's Day! (May 13, 2018)

I got up right after My Honey left for work again today.
I tried to sleep in a little but that was a no go.

I made myself a coffee and ran myself a nice bubble bath.

I took my coffee and my book (still working on Game of Thrones) and I soaked for about an hour.

Afterwards, I made myself a couple of eggs and some toast.

I texted the family to see if anyone could come over for lunch or dessert today to celebrate mothers day with mom then headed to the store to grab some supplies.
I also forgot about mothers day and so I wanted to grab something for her.
I got her a bunch of scratch tickets, some wine gum candies and a giant fruit and nut bar.
She'll like that and hopefully she'll win big!!!

I should have picked them up yesterday but I didn't think of it.

I decided to just pick up some fresh baked buns and sandwich fixings.
I also picked up some bisquick to make biscuits.

When I got home I took some raspberries out of the freezer to have with the biscuits then my son called to say that he and Miss H were on their way over.
She has a Dr appointment tomorrow so is going in to BH to spend the night at her grandparents, her mom was giving her a drive there.
My son was going with them so he could pick up the car and bring it back.

I hadn't really gotten anything done so when they got to the house I was madly slicing tomatoes and onions, washing lettuce and trying to get everything prepared.

They brought mom & I each a bouquet of flowers which was such a nice surprise.

These were mine.

Mine again from a different angle.

My niece dropped by for a minute as well and brought mom a cute little bouquet in this fancy little cup.

I think mom was really happy with it.

My son helped me to get lunch going, he got the utensils and the condiments and opened up all the salads I'd picked up.

I think they really enjoyed the "sandwich bar" type meal.

While they ate, I whipped up a batch of biscuits.
I grated some fresh ginger into the mix and got them into the oven.

They cooked in less than 10 minutes so I was able to get a dessert made for Miss H before they had to leave.

Mom had one too and even though I hadn't eaten any lunch, I just skipped it and had a dessert.
I rolled out the biscuits to thinly and they were nowhere near as delicious as the ones My Honey makes but they did the trick.

About an hour after they left, my brother and Mr H dropped by.
My SIL was at work and Miss A was at a church function with her bestie!

He had a couple of sandwiches too and I sat down and had one with him.

Someone showed off their impressive biceps!
Gecko Muscles!

Then we went outside so Mr H and I could blow bubbles.
I picked him up a bottle of bubbles yesterday at the dollar store.
I also had picked up sidewalk chalk which we got into as well.

He was also happy to have a popsicle and then another.
He loves his sweet stuff that boy.

Always on the move.
They visited for a couple hours before heading home.

Not long after they left, mom's friend DM dropped by for a visit.
Then my son arrived back from BH and came over to get another sandwich.
He just finished and then left to go get my other brother who had to work today.

He then dropped over with cards for mom and I.
He gave us both some scratch tickets.
More chances to win big.

My Honey smoked these pork chops all day yesterday then cooked them up on the bbq at work today.
They look so good - wish I was there to have one too!

My sister called to wish mom a Happy Mother's Day so I got to chat with her a bit.
She is still in Winnipeg training and will be heading to London straight from there.

She posted a picture of her boys who she is missing today.
I am missing them too!

Our company all left around 7 so I got to blogging straight away.
I really wanted to get caught up today - I am so far behind - but I only got a day's worth done when Paddington decided he wanted my attention and came and sat on the keyboard.

So I gave up and went to the couch to cuddle with him for a bit.
I turned on Netflix and noticed there were new episodes of Call the Midwife added.
It was so long ago that I'd watched it that I wasn't exactly sure where I'd left off but I figured it out (I made it to the end of Season Three) and got busy watching the first episode of Season 4.
I'd forgotten how much I liked the show and after I finish Season 4, there is a season 5 and 6 available to watch too - WOO HOO!
I was just starting my second episode when My Honey got home.

I heard him pull up into the driveway and I looked out to see this.
Ipad patiently waiting for him to get out of the truck.

His mom called and they talked for a while.
Some guy showed up at their gate, he'd been lost and walking in the woods for 8 hours he said.
He asked if could use their phone to get someone to come pick him up.
He also got water and asked if he could have some food.

Not long after he left, the cops showed up at their place looking for the guy.
Apparently he'd crashed his car then when he was lost in the woods, he'd been setting fires, maybe to help get found our something, who knows?
They asked the cops if he was in trouble and they said he was now! Ha ha!

Anyway, I finished up my show and My Honey was tired so we basically just went to bed.
I wanted to find a car rental for Portland and reserve it first though so I went to my office and saw this card on my desk.
My name was crossed out and it said MOM.
I asked My Honey if he did it but he denied it.

Then I opened it up.

Ha Ha Ha.
It was from my fur babies!!!
Their hand writing is a bit messy but not bad considering they are cats and don't have fingers or thumbs!

I had a good chuckle over it - I love that My Honey comes up with these little ways to surprise me, it means a lot and it's just another one of the millions of things he does that makes me love him so much.

I thanked him appropriately then I got busy finding a car rental.
It took all of 3 minutes and it was done.

Then it was time to go to dreamland.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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