Saturday 26 May 2018

Love Me a Massage! (May 8, 2018)

I made another green drink this morning, this time I added some strawberries and mango to the already long list of ingredients.

It tasted a little better than yesterday's version.
I made enough for two days too so tomorrow I can just grab and go.
I think that I will start preparing it the night before!

I had cheese & chive egg creations for breakfast.
Work was busy as usual.
I went home for lunch and made myself a couple of eggs and a pancake.
It hit the spot perfectly.
I started getting a super headache around 3 pm and I figured it was due to lack of caffeine, I was busy drinking my green drink this morning so I skipped coffee again.
So I made myself a tea hoping that would help.
It did a little.
When I got home after work, My Honey was as busy as a bee cleaning up the driveway and the garage, getting ready for a trip to the dump.

He also had chicken on cooking in mushroom sauce.
What a multi-tasker he is!! 
I had an appointment for a massage so I ate quickly and took off up there.
She tried a new thing on me where she pushed down and away on my skin in two spots that were near each other.
She did it on my stomach and OMG - it was painful.
I could barely breath while she was doing it but I made it through thinking it would feel better later.
When I got home I was still hurting - don't think I'll let her do that move again.

She was generous and told me instead of paying her to donate the cost of the massage to the color run we are holding.  I thought that was so kind of her.

When I got home I had the munchies so I kept looking for snacks but I still managed to stay within my points range for weight watchers.

So that makes two days on plan for me.

Each day gets a little easier.

We watched a bunch of Portland clips on You Tube - things to do, best places to eat, that kind of thing, and I got some good ideas for when we go there next week.
I am looking forward to it!

My SIL posted this cute picture of Miss A today.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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