Saturday 26 May 2018

Thrift Shopping (May 12, 2018)

I woke up when My Honey left for work this morning and I was unable to go back to sleep so I just got up.

I made myself a coffee and watched a couple episodes of Say Yes to the Dress.

I got the laundry on the go and it is clean up weekend here in town so I dragged a few items to the curb that needed hauling to the dump.
Saved me a trip.

I also loaded up the truck with a few things I wanted to drop off to the second hand store.

When mom got up, we got ready and headed to WCT for a trip.
I wanted to make us appointments for pedicures but they were booked up so I made us a couple of appointments for Monday evening at 6 pm instead.

The first stop we made was to Repeat Boutique the second hand store there, so I could drop of the donations I had then we went in to look around.

I found a couple of items that I was happy about.

This little desk was only $15 bucks and I am sure if I don't have a use for it, someone will.

I also found these glass containers that will fit perfectly into the sconces I picked up a few weeks back.

They were only 50 cents each - what a deal!

While I was finding some treasures, mom was browsing a found some treasures of her own.
I love this place because it is very reasonably priced for second hand merchandise and it is entirely run by volunteers.
Mom found 2 pair of capris, 5 tops and a sweater and they charge $2 an item for each thing.
That is awesome!

We left there and stopped at Subway for some lunch (I hadn't eaten any breakfast so was pretty hungry by this point).

It's been awhile since I had a sub - they have feta cheese now so I had that on my sub but it didn't really work so I probably won't have it again.
The sub was good though.
I got a footlong and saved half of it to have for my supper.

We hit up Walmart next.
My main goal was to get some pictures of Max developed for mom and to get some copies of my niece's grad pictures done for her which I've been promising for almost a year now.

We also picked up a few groceries and I got and outfit for baby (I couldn't resist).
I did pick up some pampers too!

We ran into my brother and Mr H in the store shopping too.

We picked up popsicles and fudgesicles and I got a couple bags of ice to try to keep them frozen for the drive home but I knew we couldn't dilly dally.

We made one more stop at the dollar store for some cards and a few other things then hit the road.

Thankfully the ice creams survived the hour long drive home.
We put the groceries away then mom went to have a rest and I did some blogging.
Before I knew it, it was after 6 pm.
Holy heck, the day just flew right by.

I got the laundry all finished up and put away.
Got the bed all put back together too.
I am so looking forward to getting into those freshly cleaned sheets tonight!

I whipped myself up some chocolate pancakes to have as dessert (I ate the other half of my sub for supper)

I found a new show to watch on Netflix
The Worlds Most Extraordinary Homes.

I fell in love with the very first home in the very first episode.
The roof was made with the wings of a 747.
I wouldn't normally think that I would like something like that but they way they set it up in harmony with the landscape was genius.
The view was absolutely stunning.

I watched a few of the homes then I stopped because I wanted to share it with My Honey.
He wasn't long getting home anyway so when he did, we watched the oceanside episode together then I just had to show him the airplane wing home.

He liked it as much as I did.

Before we went to bed, I convinced him to help me put up the wood piece we'd picked up on a trip into the city.

I think it looks great here!
I am glad we purchased it and I knew we would find the perfect place for it.

Then it was beddy bye time!
That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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