Saturday 26 May 2018

To Do List (May 10, 2018)

My Honey always lets Paddington in our room a little before we get up so we can have some snuggle time with hi.

He loves it too and gets right in between us both and just loves us up.
It's a really great way to start the day.

It was a little chilly out again this morning but I was happy to walk out of the house this morning and see some buds on our tree!
Our neighbor's tree is looking gorgeous!

I had to run a lot of reports this morning at work which can get kind of boring.
They take a bit of time to run and I can't work on other things on the computer while they are running because it messes things up.

It made the morning go so looooong!
I did some staring out of the window.

I stayed happy though!
I did have my green drink to enjoy and I made sure to make myself a coffee.
I tried a new kind that someone brought in.
It was ok but I still prefer my Mexican kind.

I also had some egg creations again.
I started a huge lot of reports running then headed home for lunch.

I made a pancake and eggs again and it was delicious.

I threw a couple of slices of turkey breast in with the eggs for some extra protein.

When you find something that works - you just go with it, ha ha!

Work this afternoon was more report running - made for a long day.

My brother had gone into the city to get his passport done and they wouldn't accept his birth certificate because the top of it was a bit damaged.
It was still perfectly legible so I think that was a bit extreme but he's kind of freaking out a little because our trip to London is coming up quickly and his time to get a passport is running out.

He tried to go online and order one but he kept having issues so he called me and we realized that it was because both of my parents go by their middle names.
I went on and tried for him and reversed their names and I was able to get it ordered for him, phew!
It is going to cost a few bucks to get it here in a rush but that's better than losing out on the money he paid for the trip!

I made myself a TO DO list of some things I wanted to accomplish when I got home after work.
Of course I forgot it at the office but luckily I'd taken a picture of it.

I did stop at the store and pick up a couple packs of chicken breast for supper - it was not a bad price which is amazing.
I got home and got supper cooking, used up the sweet potatoes I've been meaning too.

I also got after the utensil drawer.

I forgot to take a before picture but this is everything that I pulled out of the drawer.

When I clean and organize, I like to pull everything out and start fresh.

I sorted it all, found new homes for some of it and now it is looking awesome!

I tackled the kitty litter.
I gave the whole thing a really good, thorough cleaning, it needed it.
By that time, supper was ready.

I made my famous sweet potatoe dipping sauce.
(Mayo and seafood cocktail sauce, so yummy).

My chicken came out really good, I was pleased.
Usually I overcook it and it turns out bone dry and not very pleasant to eat.
So way to go me!

My son dropped by to borrow some tools.
He has been using my car because it is much easier on gas than his big truck and he got a flat tire the other day but he was having a lot of trouble getting the tire off to replace it.
He was heading there to try again - the car is actually in another town at his girlfriend's grandparents place.
I didn't get everything on my list accomplished but I did get the papers on the floor in my office cleaned up and sorted and I finally sat down and found all the papers I need to file my mothers income tax.
My sister usually does it for her so I'll give her a call tomorrow about it.
We are past the deadline now but I don't think she owes anything so it shouldn't matter too much.

I didn't update my ipod or workout but I am still happy with what I was able to accomplish.

My Honey was late getting off work tonight plus he stopped at the grocery store on the way home for kitty treats (mostly for Ipad).

We worked on a little more Paddington shaving.
It went a little more smoothly but he only let us at it for a couple minutes.
Only a few more sessions and it should be all taken care of.
Will have to keep up on it in the future though.

My son dropped back by to return the tools he'd borrowed.
He was successful at getting the tire changed so that was good.
I wish I could just buy him a brand new vehicle so he could have that weight lifted off of his shoulder.
If only I were rich!

Some facebook memories popped up today.

My boy and I out having supper together.

It was at the restaurant my niece was working at so she came out to visit us.

This was a meal My Honey made - all from scratch.
It was so delicious.

We watched some Andrew Zimmern in Dominican Republic then headed off to bed.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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