Tuesday 15 May 2018

Snow, in May? (May 1, 2018)

May 1st today!!!

I walked out this morning to SNOW!!!!
Mind you it is only a light sprinkling and it likely won't stay but SNOW? On May 1st?
Enough with winter already, bring on the sunshine!!!

I made my favorite coffee and tried to follow my coffee cup advice.

I was trying to be optimistic on my computer situation but couldn't even log in so I am not even going to fiddle with it, just logged into my Temp VPC and I am good to go.
Today is the day I am going to start counting points with WW again and I am also going to start working out again.
My goal for today is to get 20 minutes in on the treadmill and to eat within my daily points limit.
I'll check back in later to update whether I was able to do that or not.

OK - I am back - did you even miss me?

Here's how things panned out.

I had left over caesar salad and chicken for lunch.

I ended up working late, until after 6 to try to get some imports done that needed entered asap.
So when I got home I didn't feel like doing anything.

I didn't work out and I started counting my points - I counted them for half of the day then at supper time that went out the window.
It is hard to eat right when you aren't prepared.

I didn't really have anything to cook so I went to the store and picked up frozen pizzas.
Easy peasy, but not great on the point side.
I am going to the city this weekend so I am going to pick up groceries.
Being prepared with healthy options will make things much easier

Small victory though, I really wanted a snack like chips or a chocolate bar or something sweet but I instead opted for yogurt with strawberries and granola - a much healthier choice.
So that was a win in my books.

I watched Little People Big World - it was the episode with Embers birth, then basically I headed off to bed.

This memory popped up from a few years back.
All of us ladies from the office went out to the dinner theater in Edmonton to see Pretty Woman.
It was a great show and a fun time with the girls.
Hard to believe there used to be this many of us, we are down to just four now.
What a change a couple of years can make.

Yup, not good.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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