Saturday 26 May 2018

Weigh In Day (May 7, 2018)

I am determined to stick to weight watchers today.

I saw this in the corner before I left for work and I am still so happy with how it turned out.
I made myself a Dr.Oz green drink for breakfast.
It had all kinds of goodies in it, here is the ingredient list:
green apple
lemon juice
lime juice
I made a large glass of it so it took me all morning to drink it.
I weighed in this morning and it was a wake up call for sure.
I'm up - no surprise - but now I can work on moving the scale in the other direction.
Work was busy as usual which was good.
I wore capris and sandals to work for the first time this year.
Might have been a mistake though, with the air conditioning on in the office, it gets kind of chilly.
I went for a walk down our road here in the afternoon, I wanted to get out but I also wanted to warm up and it was warmer outside than it was in here.
I did have plans on working out when I got home but that didn't happen.
My Honey had made chicken korma for supper so I ate when I got home.

I had fruit and low fat cool whip for dessert.
Then mom's friend DM dropped by for a visit.
Just as she was leaving, my son and his honey dropped by.

Her belly is really popping out now.
I had ordered some wall decorations for them so they dropped by to pick them up and also, my mom gave them her lawn swing.
Miss H is super excited about it!
By the time they left I was ready for bed.
I had a bit of a headache - I think due to no caffeine today.
I skipped having a coffee because I was working on drinking that Dr.Oz green drink.
My Honey found hotel rooms for us for London - yeah!
Then my sister texted - she is in Winnipeg training right now for her London duties.
She said so far the only thing she'll be doing in London is an event on July 4 - luckily we will still be there so we won't miss it.
I would have been totally bummed if we go all that way and then didn't even get to see her on parade.

More Facebook memories from my PEI trip popped up.
Out for a Sail - One of my absolute favorite things to do there!

Mom - I've always loved this picture of her.

Captain Ryan - always with a smile.
I still can't believe that he is no longer with us - it just doesn't seem right.

Miss M hamming it up.
That is a lot of gear for the front seat of a car.

My boy was dressing up like his dad.

He's got the look down.

Everyone loves going out for a sail.

Being out on the water spending time with family is just the best thing!

Ryan being silly.
He was always making everyone laugh and have a good time.
He just wanted everyone to be happy.
I sure do miss him.

My good old grand am.
I loved that car - still have it out in the garage actually.

Me and Miss M.
(yes I was smoking back then but I since quit and haven't smoked in years)

My brother took over as captain for a bit.

Showing Captain Ryan my love.


We went for an extra long sail that day and it was just wonderful.
I really cherish all of these memories so much.

Well that is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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