Saturday 26 May 2018

Back on the Road. (May 6, 2018)

We slept in until around 9:30 this morning which was awesome.

We had pancakes and eggs for breakfast and fresh fruit.

We sat around and chatted for the morning and it was so nice.

Then we had some left over pizza and barley soup for lunch with more gingerbread cake for dessert.
That stuff is so delicious!!

Unfortunately then we had to start packing the truck to head back home.
It was a quick trip - we went their mainly to drop off a hot water tank we picked up for them - but I was glad that we went.

We said our good byes and were on the road by about 3 pm.

We stopped at No Frills to get some groceries and at Walmart to grab a new blender.  We broke ours last summer and still hadn't got around to replacing it.

I want to start making Dr.Oz's green drink and had picked up all the ingredients so I needed one.

While at Walmart, I had to use the washroom.
When I went it, I momentarily thought that it looked different than the last time I was there but I just brushed that off.  Then after when I went to wash my hands, I noticed there were urinals and realized that I'd used the men's room.  OMG - I was so embarrassed. I practically ran out of there.  Thank goodness there was nobody else in there, I don't know what I would have done.

Kind of funny now but at the time I was mortified.

We stopped at Timmie's so I could get my new favorite - chocolate chip iced cappuccino

We also stopped at Dairy Queen so My Honey could get a blizzard.
It sounded so good that I got one too, I got skor bar and cheesecake pieces and it totally hit the spot.

Then we got back on the road and headed for home.
This time of year when the buds are starting to pop out on the trees is so nice.

It was so nice out that I picked up a tank top at Walmart and changed into it first chance that I got.

I think I may have dozed off for a little bit on My Honey - not very good company.
He's a good sport about it though.
I remembered we had snacks in the truck so I got those out to munch on knowing that would help keep me awake.

I perused the internet too and found these awesome little loungers made out of old pallets.

Isn't it great?
I totally want to try to make one, as soon as we are home for a weekend.
Ha ha ha!


His parents gave us 12 dozen eggs (their chickens are laying like crazy right now and they don't want the eggs to go to waste) so when we got to town, we started making calls to see who we could give some eggs to.

First we stopped at BN's place and he took a dozen.
Then we stopped at my son's place and gave them three dozen.  They had painted the babies room yellow so he showed me, it looks really good - they picked a really nice soft yellow color.

Then we stopped at my brothers to drop off 3 dozen more.
We had to play a couple quick rounds of hide and seek with Mr H and Miss A (it was more Mr H's idea).  We couldn't stay long so Mr H was upset about that but we promised him he could come spend a night soon.

Then we headed home and unloaded.
We didn't have too much so it wasn't that bad.

We watched some Spring Baking Championship and I had chips and dips for supper.
Tomorrow I am going to get back at it with Weight Watchers and working out. A bunch of pictures popped up on Facebook from a PEI trip quite a few years back, I think around 2009.

My boy dancing on the beach.

We went jigging for mackerel

We caught a lot.
They were practically jumping onto our lines.

This little one is all graduated now.

My Miss M - She's all graduated up and "adulating" now too.

Those red sandy cliffs that I have so many fond memories of playing around on.

What a beauty!

Life really is better at the beach.

This little one is grown up and giving me book recommendations now.
It was on her advice that I read Wonder.

My brother found himself a new secretary and there is my sweet grandma looking on.

Cousins make the best friends.

Just goofing around.

Everything is better in PEI.

Hmmmm, what can I get into next?

I love PEI and my family so much.
I sure wish I was closer so I could spend more time there with them.
One day!!!!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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