Tuesday 8 May 2018

New York Trip 2018 Day Two (April 19, 2018)

We slept in SUPER LATE this morning (we needed it).
WE got up around 10:30, had showers and headed out into the world around noon.
We walked over to Duncan Doughnuts for coffees.
I ordered an iced coffee and My Honey ordered a double espresso.
She got mixed up though and for some reason added his double espresso to my iced coffee.
No wonder it felt like it had a bit of a kick.
We got on the subway and headed over to the lower east side to check out a bagel place we'd seen on Munchies.
It was drizzly out today so we were prepared.

It didn't take long to find the place - Kossar.
It was loaded with teens though, must have been on their lunch break.

They make bagels but they also make byali's which are similar to bagels but different.
They had other items too but we were there for the bagels.

They have tons of cream cheese options like all the other bagel places.
It's hard to pick just one to try!

I had salmon, onion, tomato and caper on a sesame bagel.

My Honey had the same toppings but on an everything byali.
As you can see, they look slightly different but there wasn't much of a difference in taste.
Maybe just the texture (the bagel is a bit more doughy), but I think I'll stick to bagels. 

We left the bagel place and walked around for a bit.
I thought this building looked kind of cool.

My Honey noticed these, they add a bit of sunshine to the drab wall.

I've often thought painting flowers like this on a wooden fence would be nice.

Now I just have to get a wooden fence!

We passed by China Town.

Spring was definitely in the air.
I loved seeing blooming flowers everywhere.

These little markets have the best prices on produce and so much selection!!!

Lots of fishy selection too - wish we had this at home.

It was super drizzly all morning but it wasn't cold so I didn't mind at all.
Plus I'd had the foresight to wear my rain jacket so all was good.

These signs though - I wonder if people actually obey?

So grand looking.

The tulips are out in full force - and looking so pretty after the rain.

Words of wisdom.

Just art on a pole.

More art on a pole.
The fire escapes that I love so much.
I always imagine how wonderful it would be on a hot summer night to sit out on one with an icy cold drink and a great book.

More blossoms.
I don't know what kind of flower this is but they were so pretty.
We were nearby Rubirosa so thought we would just take the plunge and stop for pizza while we were nearby.
Next stop was RubiRosa.
We also saw it on an episode of Munchies, they had the Vodka pie (pizza) so that is what we wanted to try.
Just waiting on our pizza to arrive.
When it arrived, I think it was bigger than our table!
It was really good.
It had thin, cracker like crust and sweet creamy tomato sauce.
WE left there and hopped on the subway to head over to the TKTS booth at the South Street Seaport.
We finally made it to the TKTS booth after lots of wrong turns.
When you come up out of the Subway it is so easy to get turned around.
We decided on Kinky Boots.
Wayne Brady, David Cook from American Idol and Kristen Maldonado from the Pentatonix are starring in it right now so we figured it would be a good time.
After we bought the tickets we headed over to Chelsea Market.
We saw some interesting things along the way.
The driver of this car was all dressed up like an old fashioned chauffeur - looked awesome.
Yeah, just some rhinos stacked on each other.
These old churches are so lovely.

Trees in bloom everywhere - what a gorgeous sight.

It's amazing how many trees are actually around in a big city like New York.

A really cool coffee stand we happened across.
I did get a Mexican café mocha there and it was really good.

Just some NYC sights.

Entrance to the subway.
Some of the old churches around are quite spectacular.

Random stuff.

Awesome mural.

Pixel art.
Next stop was Chelsea Market.

I love just walking around the place, it is a really cool building.
Even a golden garbage can.
My Honey wanted to try this taco place - Los Tacos No.1
They menu is basically, you guessed it, tacos.

My Honey ordered a couple.
They had these cool dishes of toppings you could add.

I thought they were neat looking.
We went to the seafood market for some oysters.
We saw sea urchin so decided to give it a try too.

The langoustines looked good - we didn't try them though.

The oysters were delicious.
The sea urchin was ok.
It reminded me of lobster tomalley.
Our next stop was Artichoke Pizza.
We try to stop there every time we come to NYC.
We got a square slice and an artichoke slice.

We went up on the highline and found a place to sit and eat our slice.
We had a good view of the street below.

We pretty much had this whole section to ourselves.
I couldn't wait to get my teeth into that artichoke slice.

Just as expected, it was delicious.
So rich and creamy.
I can't wait to go back and have another slice.

After we ate we went for a walk on the high line.

What a lovely place to go for a stroll.

We saw some signs of spring.

And some cool new art pieces.

Look at how green that grass is.

The architecture on this building is really interesting.


Just a view of a NYC street.
We kind of took our time and headed toward the theatre for our show tonight.

We ended up having to hop on a subway - we could have walked but were afraid we would run out of time and get there late.

We got there in plenty of time - there was a huge line up.
Bring on the show.
Got our playbills.


Found our seats - they were uncomfortable but we managed.

Ready for the show to start.
I saw this at a store today so picked it up for us to have for a treat in the show.
It was pretty good.
We really enjoyed it - it had a much better story line than I was expecting.
We've thought about coming to see it the last few times we were in New York but I am glad we waited and got to see Wayne Brady and Kristen Maldonado. (David Cook was replaced by his understudy tonight). 

We stopped at the little store around the corner from our hotel on the way back after the show tonight and I got some snacks.

I have one of these every trip here too so I had to get that out of the way.
They've changed somewhat since I first starting buying them years ago, they have much fewer almonds in them but they are still pretty darn good.


Grabbed these too - I always forget how good they taste until I try them again.

A few facebook memories popped up today.
This is a little girl I bought with the birthday money the girls at the office gave me a few years back.

Ha ha!
Not too shabby with the step total for today.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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