Tuesday 15 May 2018

Day in the City with My Honey (May 3, 2018)

Had a busy day at work today.
Some of the guys were having meetings all day and they brought in pizza for lunch so I snuck a slice for my lunch.

I was hoping to get away from work a little early but that didn't happen.
After work, I packed a bag quickly and we headed into the city for the night.

I was cruising the internet on the drive in and came upon this.

What a great use of some old crates.
I even happen to have a couple at home so I think I might give this a try.

Another cool DIY project I came upon - will have to do this with baby when she arrives.

Miss H posted a couple of pictures of her and her sister hanging out.

Sweet sisterly love.

If only!!!
I'm learning to be more realistic (and patient) but wouldn't it be great if it happened this way?

We stopped at Timmie's on the way and they have a new chocolate chip iced cappuccino on the menu so I had to give it a try.

Look at all those chocolate chips on there!
It was delicious.

We stopped for supper at Second Bowl - we go there a lot!

We had pho. 

We also had spring rolls,

and onion cakes.
I just love the fish oil dipping sauce and let my onion cake just sit in it to soak up as much of it as I could.

About to dig in to his favorite meal of all time!

Afterwards we went to the mall.
Mom asked me to pick her up a couple of tops, cardigans and a purse so I went looking for those.
I found a couple of tops before the stores closed for the evening.

I had purchased tickets online for us to go to the movie tonight but we still had over an hour before the movie started so we ended up looking around London Drugs for awhile.

They have tons of great stuff in there - we ended up spending almost $200.00, kind of crazy!!

We left there and headed to the movie.

Of course I got us tickets at the new Landmark Cinema in St Albert.
Their spacious reclining seats are so awesome and I kind of just always want to come to this theater now.

We saw the new Avengers movie, Infinity Wars.
It was so good, I totally did not expect it to end the way it did but it was great.
(Don't worry, no spoiler alerts here)

The movie was very long, almost 3 hours.
It was 1:15 am by the time we left there (we always wait for the end of the credits to watch the extra scene) so really a late night for us.

We headed to the hotel, checked in and basically went straight to bed.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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