Wednesday 9 May 2018

New York 2018 Trip Day Three (April 20, 2018)

We got out of the hotel room at 11:30 this morning, a little earlier than yesterday so that was good.

We hopped on the W subway and headed to Astoria , we got off on the Broadway stop and it was a cute little street we'd never been to before.
There were all kinds of little shops, it would be a great place to hang out for a day.

We passed a few places that had all kinds of goodies - I want to go back to them later!
We went to Broadway Bagel Co for breakfast.
I got the salmon again - it was their Broadway Sandwich.
It was really good - better bagels than yesterday.
My Honey ordered the Whitefish.

It had a spread on it that had whitefish in it, with onions and lettuce - It was delicious.

My Honey was delighted with his choice.
I dare say we will be back to try it again.
After we ate, we walked around and checked the street out a bit.
We came across a bargain store that looked to have great deals so we shopped around for a bit.
We ended up getting socks (for both of us), a Paw Patrol outfit for my nephew Mr H and some Fibre 1 snacks in a flavor I'd never seen before.
My Honey got a couple t-shirts too for like $3.00 a piece or something, what a deal!!


By then I was ready for a snack (and I needed a washroom) so we stopped at one of the little bakery's we'd seen, Omonia.
They sat us in their little sunroom, it was beautiful.
I ordered a frozen coffee drink - so yummy.
Enjoying the sunshine.
We ordered the Tres Leches cake which had layers of fruit filled whipped cream.
It tasted good but it wasn't moist and milky soaked like Tres Leches normally is.


We also ordered an almond dessert

and these nut sticks, one was almond, the other pistachio.


We hopped back on the subway, the Broadway station is closed going back in the direction of our hotel so we had to take it a few stops up, get off and go to the other side and hop on to get back to the hotel.

I love the subway system in NYC - you can pretty much get anywhere you need to go.
We get 7 day passes for $32 when we get here and they takes us everywhere.
What a steal of a deal.

Here it comes!
We stopped back to the hotel to drop off our goodies.
Believe it or not, even though I slept in pretty good this morning, I was tired so I snuck in a 20 minute nap.
It helped, I was feeling refreshed and raring to go afterward.
We took the Subway to the Brooklyn TKTS booth to get some tickets for a show tonight.
When we walked up out of the Subway, the TKTS booth was right there and no line up - it was awesome.
We were trying to decide between Carousel, Anastatia and Summer (the Donna Summer story) and ended up going with Carousel.
After we secured our tickets, we walked around that area of Brooklyn a bit to see what we could see.
As always, there was tons of cool graffiti art like this tuba player.

I thought this looked pretty cool too.
In our travels we passed by Rocco's Tacos and it looked interesting.
We both figured we could used a little something to eat so we gave it a go.
It was a really cool looking place inside.

They went all out with the décor.

They definitely nailed the Mexican theme.

I really loved these star lights.
I was looking forward to having some Mexican food.

They make guacamole table side so of course we had to try that.
It was fun watching him make it and how much fresher can you get it?

Love the presentation too - it was yummy.

These chips didn't last long!

We were happy with our choice.
I also ordered the street corn, it was kind of milky and creamy - also delicious!

My Honey had a couple of tacos but they had too much cilantro on them for my taste.

I went downstairs to use the washroom and found another whole area downstairs with some great pieces.
Like this door - I love, love, love it!

This side table was big and chunky - I like it too.


This chandelier was awesome.
The lights were shaped like heart beads.

This was the wall paper in the bathroom - pretty funky.

They had a few rooms downstairs with seating areas and they were decorated just as wonderfully as upstairs.

More star lights that I liked.

The art on the wall is hard to see but it is Star Wars characters Mexicanized!
Like C3P0 decorated like a sugar skull.

Awesome cabinet.

Another great door.

This is the heart chandelier from a different vantage point.
I really liked it.

Creepy but cool.

Another old piece - fabulous.

This stuff just looks so good - whoever decorated this place really did a great job.

There were some neat Mexican pieces too.

This looked like it was all carved out of wood - awesome.

The sign to the men's room.
Because we were in the general area, we decided to hop on the subway, go up a couple stops and find "Best Pizza".
The owner has a pizza show that we watch sometimes so we wanted to check his place out.
This young guy was playing classical music in the subway station, he was awesome!

We found our stop and saw some more cool art work while walking around to find the pizza place.

Kind of true - the people make the place.

After getting turned around a bit, even with a street map,we did eventually find the place.
I had to break out the gps on the phone to help.
It was just a tiny little spot on a quiet back street.
I told My Honey to order whatever he wanted.

Ha ha - clever play on words.

We had a pepperoni slice and a white slice.
It wasn't knock your socks off but it was ok.
If you lived nearby it would be good but I wouldn't go out of my way to get here like I would for Prince Street Pizza.
We hopped back on the Subway to head over to Times Square area for our show.
We came out right near a park and saw this.
We've been to the park several times before but always seem to notice something new each time.
The city has beautiful parks.

My Honey noticed this - he has an eye for the unusual that's for sure.
We were looking for a place to have a bit of dessert before heading to our show and weren't really finding anything that interested us.
I really had to use the washroom though so we ended up having to pick a place quickly just so I could use their facilities.
Of course, when we got in there, there was a huge line up for the washroom.
We ordered a lemon tart.
And a slice of apple pie.

We each had coffees too.
Our food and coffees weren't that great and it end up costing us $40.00 but at least I did get to use the washroom.
I won't eat there again though.
Then it was time to head to the show.

I'm a big Rodgers & Hammerstein fan so I am sure I will enjoy.

Waiting in the line up.
(I picked up this hat today for $10.00, my ears were getting cold so it came in handy, paid $36.00 for the exact same hat plus a pom pom in Portland!)
Got our playbill.

Found our seats.
We had great seats in the Mezzanine.


The chandeliers in this place were amazing.

And there were several of them.
I am still amazed every time I am in these old theatres by the amount of detailed work that has gone into them.
Jesse Meuller starred in the show.
We were trying to figure out if we'd seen her before.
She was in Waitress and The Carole King Story and we've seen both of those.
We'll have to check our playbills when we get home.
She is a great singer, so was the actor who played the Billy Bigelow character.
My favorite was the friend who sang "Mr Snow" a song about her fisherman lover.
It was a really great show, all the singers were amazing and now I can't wait to go home and watch the old version of it.

Times Square was just hopping when we got out of the show.
Just people everywhere.
It is still cool to see but we kind of avoid it like the plague now if we can.
If I see it once on a trip, I am happy with that.

Some of the ads are awesome, like this one!


Saw some subway residents while waiting for the train.
I think the reason they don't freak me out is that there are down on a different level in the tracks.
I think if I ever see one on the same level as me that it will be a totally different story.
We took the Subway back to Broadway Street over in Queens to look for a bite to eat.
Found a Gyro cart and we ordered a beef, a chicken and a couple of skewers and took them back to the hotel with us to eat.

It was a gorgeous evening,
and these trees in bloom in front of the hotel look gorgeous, especially at night for some reason.
I love how close this hotel is to the subway station - I would stay here again in a heartbeat.

Also picked up a couple of new chip flavors to try.
They were both great.
This memory popped up on Facebook of us enjoying a yogurt ice cream in Times Square last year at this time.

Did pretty good with the step total again today.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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