Tuesday 15 May 2018

Technology is Terrific (or is it)? (April 30, 2018)

The first thing I did as soon as I got to work this morning was set up my new computer.
I was so excited that it might actually work for me!
Alas, my excitement was short lived.
Turns out it wasn't the PC at all but there is an issue with my VirtualPC.
So they assigned me a temp VPC for me to work in while they fiddled with mine.
I wasn't looking forward to having to download all the programs I needed but once I did, it worked great and I was happy to actually get some real work done.

I weighed in also, I was down but it wasn't because I was trying or eating healthy options.
I need to get back at it.

Around 3:30 pm the service desk called me back to say they'd fixed my VPC and got me to go back to it.  They closed out my ticket and all was right in the world....until I tried to start working again.
It was still giving me so much grief, I was feeling very frustrated at that point.  I called them back to reopen the ticket and the fellow that had been helping me told me I should just call it a day and go home.
Ha ha!!
I took his advice though (there was only 10 minutes left until home time at that point anyway).
He said to leave the computer on and let it do it's upgrades and hopefully it will be working in the morning.

Technology is great - except when it doesn't work and then it is a pain in the butt.

I stopped at the store to pick up something for supper.
I decided on Chicken Caesar Salad.
I got everything ready but left the dressing off until My Honey got home so it wouldn't get soggy on him.
He had eaten late in the day and wasn't hungry anyway and mom went out to the 50+ club for supper so it was just me for supper.

I found a new home for my basket full of dish cloths so I could put out my new bread box I picked up in the city at One Man's Treasure.
I love the color.

I also found a temporary spot for another sign I picked up at the dollar store.
I love what this says.

I heard back from Roloff Farms again.
I just need to send them a cheque or money order and our private tour of the farm will be on.
I am heading to the city on Friday so will pop into the bank and get it then.
When My Honey got home, we watched Big Bang Theory (the new one from last week) then headed off to bed.
We were ready to go at 8 pm but at least lasted until 9 pm.
Does that mean we are getting old?


That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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