Tuesday 15 May 2018

Nice Evening for a Stroll (May 2, 2018)

It was feeling a little chilly this morning but at least it wasn't snowing.

I had left over pizza for lunch today.
Hung out with My Honey for a bit before heading back to work.
I love it when he is on days off.

I gave BH the extra flowers that I picked up over the weekend, she needed a few more for her birdcage project and she gave me her window pane that she picked up.
She didn't like it on the wall where she wanted to hang it.

Her and I and SV hung around for a half hour after work just chatting.
My Honey ended up calling wondering where I was because he had made me supper.
So I headed home to a nice supper.

He made salad and sheppards pie.
So yummy!

We had a visitor peeking through the door.
Now that the weather is getting nicer, Ipad has been around a lot more often.

After we ate, My Honey suggested that we go for a walk so I got my shoes on and we headed out.
We walked around, stopped at my brothers for a quick visit with the kiddos.
Mr H is so funny, he just loves My Honey.
He was wanting him to go "hide" because "sissy is comin".

Not sure how hidden they are.

Mr. Jones (Jonsie) wanted to check out what was going on.

Found you!!

Apparently that wasn't a good enough spot so then My Honey had to go to his room and hide under the blankets with him.

Then I had to join in as well.

He just loves hiding under the blankets, it's his new favorite thing to do.

Sissy found him though.

Time to find a new spot.

What a little monkey.

He gets so excited when he wants us to do something with him too.

I just love his little voice.

They were just getting out of the tub when we got there so I think we disturbed their evening routine a bit.

He just climbs all over Sage and she doesn't seem to mind at all.

My brother was just getting them off to bed so we didn't stay long.
Mr H was quite upset when we were leaving, he really wanted to come with us.

I was trying to distract him so asked what kind of birthday cake he wanted for his upcoming birthday.
He decided on "green".
A green cake, with green icing and green ice cream, ha ha!
We can do that.

We left there and walked over to the store for a treat.
We got some yogurt and fresh fruit - I also grabbed a bran muffin because they had some without raisins which is a rarity.

It was so nice to go for a walk.

While on the walk, we decided that we should start doing it every night because it is so refreshing.
We always decide that when we are on walks but I hope we really make an effort to stick to it because it is good for the soul.

We ate our snacks when we got home and watched the White House Press Secretary Dinner.
Kudos to those comedians, what a tough job that would be.
I thought she did a great job though.
Afterwards, I headed to bed.

So close!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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