Tuesday 15 May 2018

We Are Going to Portland Again! (April 27, 2018)

My computer is still super slow at work and it is extremely frustrating trying to work that way.
Thankfully, they sent me a new PC and I got it right at the end of the day so hopefully I can set it up first thing Monday morning and the issue will be corrected!!

I didn't really know what to do for supper so stopped at the store and walked around until an idea hit me.
I picked up the ingredients for taco salad and for nachos.
I figured I would make taco salad for mom and I and prepare extra hamburger but let My Honey decide when he got home if he wanted that as well or if he wanted nachos.

He went for the nachos.
The taco salad was delicious though - glad I thought to make it.

I emailed Roloff Farms yesterday to see about getting a private tour in May and they emailed me back to say they could fit us in on May 17 so My Honey went online right away to look at flights.  He found a great deal so he went ahead and booked.

I am so excited - I loved Portland when we were there over the Christmas holidays and the weather in May should be beautiful.
Plus I get to see the Roloff Farm up close & personal - I've been watching the show for years so that will be a really neat experience.

We pretty much went to bed after supper.
I had a head ache again - I've been getting lots of them lately, I think it is because I need new glasses.
Speaking of which, I had eye doctor appointments made for us for May 4 and I called today to reschedule so we could attend Miss A's dance recital in St Albert on that day.
I told My Honey that I rescheduled them for May 17 and he just reminded me that he booked our flight to Portland for May 16, bugger!!!
Now I will have to call on Monday and reschedule again!

Still not back on track with the eating since getting back but I will get there.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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