Sunday 13 May 2018

New York Trip 2018 Day Four (April 21, 2018)

Ok, we had a little earlier start to our day today.
We were out the door by 11 am.
We headed back to Broadway (in Queens) to find some breakfast.
I was surprised to see that there are still some of these around.

We hit up New York Bagel Company this time.
I think we made a great choice - just look at the line up.

They had lots of great options.

My Honey chose the whitefish again (he liked yesterday's better).

I loved this light fixture they had.

This one off to the right was nice too.
I am seeing a lot like this around lately.

I had an everything bagel with bacon & scallion cream cheese with strawberry jam on top.
I also tried a glass of their freshly squeezed orange juice and it was soooo good!

I also couldn't resist this almond croissant.

I sure do love this guy! 

We hopped on the subway to make our way to Green Wood Cemetery.
We had to go the wrong way for a couple stops because of construction.

Then we hopped off and just waited for a train going back in the correct direction.
These two pictures are the view from the stop.
Not quite the same as in Manhattan but still cityish.

It was a reeeealy long subway ride to our stop and somebody may have fallen asleep.
In all fairness, riding on the subway lulls me to sleep too, it's kind of soothing like being rocked on a boat.

At least it wasn't crowded.

All rested up and ready to go.

When we got off the subway it was really easy to find the cemetery.

It was much harder to find an entrance though.
We must have walked about 10 blocks along this fence looking for a way to get in.

Just as we found the entrance, we saw this bakery across the street so we figured we'd have a bit of a snack first.

I had a lemonade.

I also had a blondie that was covered with coconut.
It was dense and moist - so good.

My Honey tried the apple poptart - the crust to filling ratio was off.
Too much crust, not enough filling but other than that, it was good too.

Enjoying his double espresso.
Brooklyn Bakery was pretty good - I'd go there again.

We finished our drinks and snacks then headed over to the Cemetery.

There was a very grand driveway that led up to an even grander entrance.

There I am making my way up the hill.

Just WOW!

As we were walking up we saw this trolley car pass by - guess they do tours of this place - it makes sense.

Even nicer up close.

There were some pansies in bloom just inside the entrance.

And some pussy willows too.

We grabbed a map of the place from the office then we just started walking.

Seems a strange place to spend a day maybe but it was beautiful.

There was a great view of the Manhattan skyline.

My Honey just loves cemeteries and he was checking everything out up close while I admired it all more from a distance.

This was a lovely time of year to come because everything was in bloom.
I love how these branches are hanging over the headstones.

This was just like the ones in New Orleans that I saw.
Apparently they don't serve any real purpose (I thought they were meant for tying your horse too but our guide in New Orleans said that he didn't think they were).
In any case, I really like them.

First time for seeing a bear on a headstone.
My Honey read the inscription on the back and the fellow buried here was very into nature and wildlife.

More roads leading to more lovely spaces everywhere you turned.

How tragic for this family to lose two young boys within a day of one another.

These were graves for soldiers from the civil war.

They recently restored them - I love the flags.

They even erected this monument in memory of a young drummer boy

 He was only 12 years old - a baby still really.

His original headstone is the tiny one at the bottom here.

Every bend in the road brought a lovely new sight.

There were little paths everywhere - would have loved to explore all of them.

The mausoleums built right into the sides of the hills were cool.

Loved the roof on the building on the hill.

Flowers in bloom everywhere - gorgeous!

It was such a beautiful day for a walk.

This place was huge - I think we barely touched the surface of what was there.

I loved the tree bull of blossoms nestled in between the evergreens.

A whole walkway surrounded in blooming trees.

Not a bad place to sit and just be.

Each tree full of blooms seemed to be more beautiful than the last.

Just stunning.

I also loved the way the tree full of pink blossoms is peeking from behind the green tree.

This is a shot of that same pink tree taken as I got closer to it and passed the green tree.

I could easily spend a whole day under these blossoms just lying about and doing nothing except enjoying the view.

He had the same idea I guess.

Some of the memorials here were just amazing.

This one was beautiful.

We were kind of in awe of the beauty that surrounded us.

This picture doesn't do these pink blossoms justice at all.

I can't believe these have grown here already when home our ground is still covered in snow and a lot of it.

Another beautiful tree of pink blossoms.

I love how weathered this looked, especially with the moss growing on it.

Different blossoms, not sure what kind of tree but gorgeous none the less

More gorgeous statues.

Then we walked around the corner and saw this spectacular sight - it was breath taking.

I was instantly in love and drawn to it.

It was just covered in blossoms 

and bees.

There were hundreds of bees just going crazy, I think they were on pollen overload.

Look how loaded up with pollen the little legs are.

We were taking pictures from every angle.

I know it's a lot of pictures of the same tree but I just couldn't get over how wonderful it was.

Such a stunner - the absolute most beautiful tree we'd seen all day.

I would have stayed there longer but everyone else was drawn to it as well and we wanted to let them have their turn to take some pictures.

I kept looking back because I could barely take my eyes off of it and I could see that more and more people were being drawn to it's beauty.

Another incredible monument.

And another.

Ok yes, I have a thing for trees!!

I loved how these branches were hanging down to the ground.
Didn't take over the number one spot but we could call it number two.

The pop of daffodils looks so marvelous here.

Reminded me of my mama (her name is Myrtle).

The cross against those blossoms was so pretty.

Another impressive tree.

These are the blossoms up close - not sure what they were, very beautiful though.

Just another cool statue.

The fresh new buds on the trees were beautiful too.

The new World Trade Tower peaking over the trees.

We started heading back to the entrance - good thing we picked up that map when we came in, we could have walked for hours and never found that entrance again.

Aren't these doors just fabulous?

I am not sure if this is a likeness of the person buried here but wow.

Pretty amazing actually.

This place was huge - 478 acres to be exact.

Nice ride.

Some of the folks buried here must have been wealthy - these monuments and tombstones are amazing.

We found a pyramid shaped one.

The doors on this one had stained glass.
My Honey went up to have a closer look and got me to come check it ou.

This is peeking through the window.
It looked both peaceful and beautiful.

My Honey got a kick out of this surname - "creamer" - the inscription didn't help.

Just the sun shining through the blossoms.

Fitting name.

Lots of angel statues here.

Some of the doors had these fancy bars on them.

I wonder if they were to keep things out or for keeping things in?

I was amazed by the how lush and green the grass was looking already.

One last gorgeous tree before we go.
We had to head out and make our way over to Manhattan for the show we came to NYC to see this weekend - the accapella finals!

This was the most beautifully maintained cemetery we've ever seen, 
The grounds were gorgeous and it was quiet and peaceful.
We only saw a small portion of what it had to offer and I know we will be back.

Because we were going right by the stop, we thought we'd take advantage and grab another slice at Prince Street Pizza.

It was supper time on a Saturday so the line was much longer than mid morning Wednesday but we like the pizza so much that we didn't care.
This was the line up ahead of us (the entrance is right by the ATM sign)

We made it to the door in about a half hour so not bad.
There was just as long a line up behind us.

There was another line up across the street but that one was to go into this store - Everlane.
I am not even sure what they sell over there but must have been something good!

Even though we were in the building now, we still had to wait in the line up a little longer.

We got our pizza then we were off to find a place to sit/stand and eat it.

This is quite the happening area on a Saturday evening.
I think I'd like to maybe stay in a hotel in this area on a future visit.

Look at how good that looks.

My favorite is how the pepperoni slices get crusty and curled up and they are filled with the pepperoni "juice".

Yup - heaven in a bit right there.
(of course the very first thing I did was drop one of those grease filled pepperoni's right down the front of my brand new top)

He's in heaven too.
I am already looking forward to coming back for another slice on our next trip.

I am amazed that someone could draw this with chalk.

We headed up to 72nd near Beacon Theatre.
We had a bit of time before the doors opened and I spied a Trader Joe's so we went in to have a look.
The line up was so long that we just left, there was nothing I would have waited that long to buy.

So we headed over to the theater.

ICCA Collegiate Championship Tonight.

Guess who is super excited to be here.

The let us in around 6:30 but we had to stand around and wait until after 7:00 before they let us go to our seats.

This is another fabulous theater.

Super impressive.

We are stoked.

The architecture is so ornate and grand.

The hosts - they hosted last year as well - they really do a great job.

They were being silly and wanting people to snap photos and post them #icca.
Which I thought was kind of funny because the security guard that was walking the line up before we came in here warned us several times that there was absolutely no photos or video allowed inside!

The talent was awesome.

I love the choreography, the way they mix the songs together, their coordinating outfits.

It is just absolutely a wonderful thing to watch and experience.
I bet being a performer must be just amazing.


The last group that performed was Socal Vocals and they were exceptionally amazing.
They picked great songs, they had really good lead vocalists and their choreography on point.
They were having a great old time and they even got the audience dancing and having a great time too.

After the last group performed and while the judges were deliberating, they had the winners from last nights high school championships perform.
The winners had a superb lead singer.
She won for best vocalist last night and she certainly deserved it.
She was the best vocalist hands down, university performers included.
She did a version of Portugal, The Man's "Feel it Still" and she blew us away.

They brought all the performers out to announce the winners.
Socal Vocals got first place.
What an exciting night and a great show.
I wish we could come every year. 

After the show, we stopped at a little cafe for a snack.
We ordered some nachos to share.
It was a tiny order, barely any chips on the plate.
The service was poor, the food was expensive and we were glad that was all we'd gotten.

It was so nice that we walked to a subway station that was a bit further away just so we could enjoy the evening before heading back to the hotel.

I've been seeing this ad on the subways a lot this trip and I totally agree.
Both sides of the bed are equally comfortable as far as I am concerned.

My feet and ankles are starting to swell but I've been staying hopped up on Ibuprofen so at least they aren't hurting..

I grabbed one of these today because I love them and can't get them at home.
I thoroughly enjoyed every bite too!

Tomorrow will be our last full day here for this trip - WAH WAH!
I wish we had longer.
Next year!
It will be our 10th visit next year so we will have to make it a special one.

Got some solid stepping done today.

That is all, until next time, be happy!

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