Saturday 26 May 2018

Pancake Kind of Day (May 9, 2018)

It has been so nice the last few days that it was surprising to walk out into a cold morning.
I was thankful I'd worn long pants and a sweater.
The air conditioning in the office kind of keeps me in winter clothes all year long.

I made enough green drink yesterday to cover today too.
I really like this version, I think the mango and the carrots really helped the flavor.

I also remembered to make a coffee to sip on this morning too.
I don't want to get another headache.

Work was busy as usual.
My Honey was back to work today so I had to fend for myself at lunchtime.
I made myself a couple of eggs and a Kodiak cake.

I love that I can have 3 tbsp of this sugar free syrup for only 2 points.

This afternoon was more of the same at work.
I did however spend some time trying to contact a company that I'd ordered some bandanas from for our upcoming color run.

I placed the order on April 6 and they were supposed to be here within 7 - 10 days and I haven't seen a thing.
I have emailed the company three times now and have called them twice to find out what is going on but nobody is getting back to me.

I did some research on the company to find out what the reviews were like but I couldn't find much.

They seem to be legit but I am starting to think that we may be out a couple hundred bucks and that I am going to have to find bandanas elsewhere which is a bummer.
I ended up making pancakes and eggs for supper again mostly due to lack of imagination on my part.
I made the eggs into a scramble and added spinach, onions and cheese.

They were pretty good and I am slowly making a dent in the 5 dozen eggs my in-laws gave us over the weekend.

I also made more pancakes for dessert.
I am going to have to see if I can find more chocolate Kodiak cakes when we are in Portland later in the month.

I watched an episode of Little People Big World - I am getting so excited to go see the farm next week.

There is a little nervousness in the back of my mind due to the fact that the pilots for the airline we booked with (WestJet) are having a strike vote possibly in the next 10 days.
I will keep my fingers crossed that they come to a resolution in time and that doesn't happen.

When My Honey got home, he & I tried to shave a little bit of fur off of Paddington.
He is getting into things and his fur is matted and there is poop stuck to his butt.

We were successful in getting a little bit of the mats off of his belly last night but he really doesn't like us lifting his tail and being in that area so it has been difficult.

I got a little bit off but we are going to have to work at it a bit each day.
Maybe too much information but just a reality of having a pet!

I blended up a batch of green drinks - should do me for 2 days so I don't have to get up early and make a bunch of noise with the blender in the morning.
Feels good to be prepared in advance.

I was able to stick to plan again today, that is 3 days under my belt now - proud of myself.
I have to add in the working out portion and I will!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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